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too much fire?

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Patterdales arer hard dogs, its the breeding and what they were originally used for. By me we have a lot of old mines, and deep deep earths, where the dog needs to have balls if he is to stay. Patterdales are purfect for me.


My first one was my fisrst dog <you>ever</you> , she chased stock, fought other dogs and genereally run riiot, till i start to displince her, and then she became better with stock and other dogs. But unlike other patterdales she took 3 years to enter to ground, last christmas infact. (legally though on the shoot) :icon_redface:

Edited by JackWilliams
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for earth work mate patterdale all day! iv got a patterdale pup here and he is mad little f****r but nothing you cant take. i just think its the way you bring them on mate if you let them be twats theyll be twats.



i own and work a patterdale and he is the most obedient dog i have ever owned but it's all about how there brought up

it a fecking dog at the end of the day

rubbish you cant have one dog each and hold them up as representatives for an entire type.

some will be too headstrong to work in any situation other than digging it doesnt matter who owns them

and i wouldnt have them any other way,, not bred for anything else.

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i use my patts to hunt everything that comes with fur on it. and use them for bushing as well as digging. but when it comes to work under ground i expect them to get stuck in a 100% no retreat. but just cos a terrier will face anything underground doesn't mean you cant use him to dig rats or bush rabbits. the patterdale will hunt and kill most quarry you put in front of him.

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I used to keep patt's for ratting ,bushing and earthwork and i've seen other breed's working and if i ever needed to own another terrier i would not look at another breed. It remind's me of a porno film that said once you've had black you won't go back. :mamba:

you can get a game black tan or black red ur white thats game lad

Sorry waxy i was,nt knocking any other colour,s or breed's, just telling of my personal experiance.

All the best.


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Guest oneredtrim

I once walked through B Nuttalls yard with me little terrier...there must have been a dozen of his dogs freewheeling...non of them were the least mythered. Did make me ponder what the hell happens to some of these dogs when they are outsourced :hmm:



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Dont know why so many people get excited at the thopught of a patterdale...........reading some of these replies .......you would imagine patterdales to be some kind of uncontolable psycho breeed.......the ones from the right blood with the right work are a pleasure to own.Contarary to popular belief not all patterdales are good workers either.

Spot on Kaney.

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Guest Dillon
Dont know why so many people get excited at the thopught of a patterdale...........reading some of these replies .......you would imagine patterdales to be some kind of uncontolable psycho breeed.......the ones from the right blood with the right work are a pleasure to own.Contarary to popular belief not all patterdales are good workers either.







Give them enough work to satisfy their urge and its amazing just how calm and manageable they become. :victory: JD





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Guest stella
pretty good descrition of a badly trained dog

pockets i replied to carras post which is a perfect description of a liabilaty rather than apleasure to own i have dug to friends patterdale terriers and they were very good at thir job as well .other than the odd grumble at the start of the day they were prfect with other dogs and stock.i think alot of people just like to think because there terriers wild and uncontrolable its a hard terrier which is complete bollocks. alot of problems with the patt is the owner and not the dogs.mind you there will be some that will allways be no good due to bad breeding for money rather than ability

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got 2 patt x jrt .fantastic little terriers.do everything i ask of them.great with kids and most other dogs.do wander off every so often but come back most of the time.would not be with out them.

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Well I have a seven month old Patterdale bitch and she is a house-dog but will work if asked and she does not give up!


She is a really game little bitch and has not been nasty to anyone. She is first in the queue, goes everywhere with me, has good manners and can be called off game if required. She understands how to behave and is very social with other dogs and seems to be fairly indestructable!


I think this is because she has been brought up in a house with cats, dogs and children and has been expected to behave. She is not stupid - she does not argue with the boss - me!


Good luck.



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