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too much fire?

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been considering a patterdale for a while now, as i've had the "not another f*****g big dog!" speech. i have heard alot, good and bad about these dogs but have never seen one work. i am after a dog to dig with, rat with, bush with and to be a good housedog. i like fiery dogs, but are they more injury-prone than other terriers because of this? also are they faster or slower to mature than other terrier breeds? any info would be appreciated.


thanks in advance


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Guest Ditch_Shitter

I've had a few JR's, for mooching about with. I've never dug a hole outside a construction site, mind. Then I got a Patt X. I'm sorry to say he ended his own would be career very early. " Too much fire ", one might well say :(


Now I've just bought myself another Jack pup. Peace has returned to the valley and I don't think I'll ever look back.


JR's have existed for centuries before the Black Hand Grenades and aquitted themselves well enough at every task.


They say Dogs tend to resemble their keepers. I prefer a more sensible, thinking sort of Dog myself. I don't mix well with psychotics.

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I used to keep patt's for ratting ,bushing and earthwork and i've seen other breed's working and if i ever needed to own another terrier i would not look at another breed. It remind's me of a porno film that said once you've had black you won't go back. :mamba:

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Not all patts are "psychos". I had one bout 2 years ago and she was great allround, obedient and good with other dogs but on the other hand i have one at the moment that would try kill anything that moves. So if your looking for an allround dog that you could also use as a house dog i suggest a quieter breed of terrier

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I used to keep patt's for ratting ,bushing and earthwork and i've seen other breed's working and if i ever needed to own another terrier i would not look at another breed. It remind's me of a porno film that said once you've had black you won't go back. :mamba:
you can get a game black tan or black red ur white thats game lad
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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Dunna; Thanks. You expressed it so much better than me there :good: Fact is I'm nightly going Way over my on line time limit here and it's making me tend to shoot from the hip. I also recognise - in retrospect - I shouldn't really base All such Dogs on One who really may have been a blinder under differant circumstances and for anothers preferances.


But, yeppers, as we agree; There's probably 'better' Dogs for this one mans requirements. Fact that his more closely seem to match mine is why I'd suggest a Jack. But then, I know people who despise JR's out of hand. Dogs are a very personal thing and each to his own.


Now if I don't log off I'll have nightmares! :icon_eek:

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well ive got two pats here and i must stress that they are utter basterds :censored: cant take them no whare cant let them off of the lead they dont come back to recall, the only way to get them back once off of there lead is to trap the fuckers , they would fight there own shadows to the death ! my wife hates them and always says that them f*****g dogs need shot :blink: they are only 9 months old now and i know when they meet there quary they will do well so thats the only resone they havent been shot , these dogs arnt pets they are tools ! afterall who the f**k would want a pet like that ? but after saying that about them being so unruly not once have they went to bite enyone and i trust them round my kids , its just other animals thats the problem :hmm:

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Dont know why so many people get excited at the thopught of a patterdale...........reading some of these replies .......you would imagine patterdales to be some kind of uncontolable psycho breeed.......the ones from the right blood with the right work are a pleasure to own.Contarary to popular belief not all patterdales are good workers either.

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