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Bull x pups


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You can go on all day about the bull cross being a rabbitter but its not .Ive owned bullx and small lurcher types all my life and the smaller dog make the bulls look silly on rabbit .The bull cross was intended as a fox ,draw dog and excells at this .No such thing as an allrounder .You have to ask yourself if you really need all that power to catch a few rabbits.

Got to agree with you on that one mate,well said :clapper:

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What would you lot recommend then? There is a possibility that my quarry list could grow in size in the future and if it does then the bull cross would be an option and that is why I was thinking about one. I need a dog that will work with my ferret and lamp both rabbit and fox for shooting. Cheers for the info lads keep it coming.



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Guest alastair

my 3 8thsx5 8ths bullx does rabbits and retrieves ok,but has not got the blistering take off speed of my mates colliegrey,so for bolted rabbits hes not that good,but i only lamp him so given a large field he can catch,i did have a racing looking first cross that was lightning quick though.im hoping to have a pup off my good friend soon which i reckon will be very good for what i want .colliexgreyhound sire,put to a beddyxwhippet,both parents brill ferreting ,and got in on charlie before the ban,previous litter looked great and its good to know the owner works both and 9 times out of ten its together with myself....so i know what im getting.

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I can't complain Mick, you?


I am really confused at the min because I really don't know what to get. I have looked at whippets which looked very nice indeed and I am still wondering if I should get a pure breed or lurcher. I am going to write down all the pluses and minuses for all the dogs I am considering and then I think I should be decided????????



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try and get yourself out with some different types to see what it is your after,whats a good dog to you might not be to someone else and vice versa,try and find someone who does a bit of rabbiting with their bull x(if thats what your after) and see what you think for yourself.its ok listening to everyone telling you what you want but some are stuck in there ways and wont have a different breed how ever good the x of dog was.if it does the job YOU WANT does it matter what x you have?

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Guest leeroy

all my dogs are bul crosses and they can catch anything, day or nite, i do alot of lamping and alot of ratching through the day, obviously we are limited as to [bANNED TEXT] we get to run through the day compared to nite, but i do well in terms of catching quarry though the day, i wudnt catch any more if i had a different bred dog anyway!

in my opinion you cant beat a good bull cross, mine catch rabbits day or nite, hares day or nite and wotever else you can think of, as for them not being any good for rabbiting thats not true, they catch as much as the rabbiting cross and do alot more aswell!!

i have 2 3/4 grey 1/4 pups that i bred myself, a dog and a bitch, they are 6 1/2 months old now, i am thinking about selling the bitch, not 100% sure about it yet though!

here is a couple of pics of my older dogs for you to have a look at mate!

the blue and red bitch are litter sisters and are 3/4 grey 1/4 bull

the black bitch is 5/8 grey 3/8 bull.

Edited by leeroy
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jpt,i,ve got my name on a pup from the litter your talking about, and i,m very confident they will catch rabbits.dont listen to collie x owners who just run bull x down regardless.i run my bull x with wifes oz,and you wont see a heavier bull x than him and he catches them! speed isnt every thing and i know! my ex track greyhound was a rocket but would just overshot by miles.pick a tall racy pup and he will catch rabbits!!!! :yes: (and if your quarry ever changes you will have it covered aswell)

Edited by BITCH
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all my dogs are bull crosses but if i wanted a dog for mainly rabbiting and retrieving the odd shot fox :whistle: i would go for a bedlington/greyhound as i've seen and owned some exellent examples in the past ;)

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