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Nosey folk!

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Just had my dogs out(on a public footpath) and spotted a bloke looking threw his window at me so as i was putting the dogs in the truck i turned and caught him taking a pic of me???

I went over and knocked on his door and he said he was a bird watcher and was taking a pic of a Starling?? whistling.gif I asked him if they was rare and had he never seen one before???wallbash.gif To which he started stuttering!!!

Its frustrating when you feel the world is against us!

To all none hunting antis,i really dont like you!!!

Happy hunting folksthumbs.gif

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  On 19/01/2010 at 12:18, events co-ordinator said:

Why did'nt you phone the police and say he was stalking you let him explain why he has a photo of you on his phone! gunsmilie.gif



I could of done pal but i havent sent my log book off yet(so the pic means feck all at the mo) and we all know it would of turned around onto me! Cheers Scotty!thumbs.gif

Ya cheeky kent they get out EVERY day, Byker you can talk,at least i didnt have to chase mine round for 2 hours round your estatewhistling.gif I thought you'd trained hericon_redface.gif

Did you manage to get out last night!

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get it right fazza 25min and she was only on the grass out side mine.....just a bit of the sh**y training she had befor me comeing back out :tongue2: but iv sorted that now!! and no didnt get out the fog was well think.....you still up for a look out tonite?

Edited by byker83
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  On 19/01/2010 at 12:45, byker83 said:

get it right fazza 25min and she was only on the grass out side mine.....just a bit of the sh**y training she had befor me comeing back out tongue2.gif but iv sorted that now!! and no didnt get out the fog was well think.....you still up for a look out tonite?



Struggling tonight the missis is coming round then ive got all week free so tom and Thursday maybe

!Bitch is settling in fine so could do with a run out pretty handy! This fog could be in for a bit so we might have to do mornings! Ring u tom dinner!

Ps i heard it was longer than 25 min ya dogs dick!tongue2.gif

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Paranoia strikes again.

Take a look at the photography section of this site and you'll see photos of all kinds of birds.

Don't have to be "rare" to make a good photo.

Even if he was taking photos of you and your dogs, so what, you were in a public place and he was in his own house.

Maybe you ought to think before jumping to conclusions and causing trouble because of YOUR paranoia.

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I had someone call the RSPCA because they saw me getting some rabbits and my whippet out of the car, they said they had seen me setting my pet rabbits loose in a field for the dogs to chase. Me and the bloke who came to talk to me had a bit of a laugh about it even though he said he was against hunting, he was good enough to say "you are entitled to do what you like within the law" though which i thought was good on his part.

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  On 19/01/2010 at 14:45, skellyb said:

Paranoia strikes again.

Take a look at the photography section of this site and you'll see photos of all kinds of birds.

Don't have to be "rare" to make a good photo.

Even if he was taking photos of you and your dogs, so what, you were in a public place and he was in his own house.

Maybe you ought to think before jumping to conclusions and causing trouble because of YOUR paranoia.



For every rose bush theres always a prick!

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