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what ferrets are the best bolters ,quick bolters

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your going to get a mixture of replies, telling you small hobs,big hobs, big jills,small jills, as most people keep more than one ferret, you'll find that YOU, get a personnal favorite,it may not be to everyone else's liking, but it'll work for you

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A good sized jill will move rabbits all day long

i agree,have only ever used jills,only because all the hobs iv seen work,although work well,are to big to even fit through the nets,pain in the arse re setting them after hob has shown at a hole,but as said each to their own mate

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your going to get a mixture of replies, telling you small hobs,big hobs, big jills,small jills, as most people keep more than one ferret, you'll find that YOU, get a personnal favorite,it may not be to everyone else's liking, but it'll work for you

suppose your right its all down to personal favourets very good answer,makes sense :thumbs:

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It's been pretty well summed up already - it's mostly down to personal taste - but if your looking for ferrets that bolt rabbits rather than ferrets that often kill underground then i would say avoid big hobs - they are just much better equiped to kill a rabbit very quickley underground.


I mostly use small - medium sized jills - i find they can get into everywhere i need them to, get through the nets without a problem, don't get stuck but are plenty big enough to handle anything they need to.


With regards to bolting rabbits - they bolt mainly due to the smell, with some older rabbits, especially those that have been ferreted before trying to stay below ground even when they smell the ferret. These may bolt if they suddenly think they are going to get cornored but are as likely (if they think that danger lurks above ground) to force themselves into a dead end and show the ferret their scut - kicking like a b*****d!


The point that i'm trying to make is that if you are quiet above ground, and approach the holes correctly, setting up without fuss and without letting your dog 'mark' the hole by ramming itself halfway down then the rabbits will bolt to pretty much any ferret - it doesnt matter the size or sex - i've bolted rabbits all day with micro ferrets and have watched them kill rabbits also (although its less likely than a huge hulking hob), nearly every rabbit will choose to bolt if they don't know your up there. If you were a rabbit would you face a ferret in a confined space?


Downsides of jills is that they come into season and stay in season if not mated for an age - up to 160 days i think. Downside of micro ferrets - they can tire is expected to work all day.


Just some random thoughts, hope they help!



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i have only had my ferrets for 4 years now and 2 jills i got rid of and kept the hob, i thought he was a big boy untill i mated him with my mates small jill and his son is a monster at only 7 months old he got stuck in the hutch inside his 4 inch pipe not good, but still bolts rabbits,

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well i got 4 jills,2 small,and 2a abit bigger and heavier,all 4 bolt bunnies,and all 4 will kill as they dont leave a bunnie,the 2 heavier ones will, wont let go when they lock onto a rabbit,and my big hob,will bolt them,well they are given the option,bolt or get nailed,so it all depends on the bunnies,not the fert,doesnt matter what you put down the set,if they are disturbed,by noise outside they dont like to bolt,and some times no matter what you do they wont bolt,so not really a right or wrong answer to this question,but as said before,every body has their own favourite,as some ferts wont go deep into a set,so less chance of a lay up,and some just go straight,down,thats when 12 foot + on your finder looks like a long wait :censored: ,well thats my 2 penneth worth oki doki,ian :thumbs:

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greyhound ferrets we use them all the time they kick rabbits out no probs

hope you dont mind me asking but i heard alot about greyhound ferrets but never seen any or at least i dont think i have so is there any chance you could put a pic or two up so i could just see what they look like thanks :thumbs:

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