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absoloutelt gutted

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Was out just for a quick walk with the dogs. i was just about to get all the dogs on the lead when i noticed one was missing. was shouting for him for about 5 minutes and then all of a sudden a big bang from the bi-pass behind the playing field where i was. i went down once and couldnt see anything so i went to get the lamp. i went back to the bi-pass had a quick shine and theres my dog laid in the middle of the road breathing but only just.no car around him so the f*****g arsehole had hit him and just went without a care in the world. Its not the first time one of my dogs has got through where he did but the council wont put a fence back up where the bars have been bent even though we have cmplained once when the brother to the one thats just died got hit by a tractor.





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How horrible for you: its the worst feeling in the world: I had it happen once and never went near the place again for 3 years. could you not put some wire netting in the gap yourself? At least it would serve as a temporary barrier.

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sad loss mate but if youve lost one there before id of thought you be more cautious? i know i would. As someone said, stick a abit of mesh there yourself, only takes 10mins.



One did get hit in the same place before but it was by a tractor. He was lucky and came away with a centimetre long split in his tongue. Guess the luck wasnt with his brother yesterday

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