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Double bash!!

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Saturday me and the lads were down by the river doing a hedge that we had looked at the previous week. As usual we had split the hedge into sections longnets either side and stop nets through the hedge aslo.

It started nice and steady with the ferrets going deep in the hedge and forcing the rabbits up. About halfway along i hit me first dig but it was a good un at just 2ft :clapper: rabbit retrieved and dispatched .

My mate noticed much further down that rabbits were bolting and thought had a ferret moved on in pursuit of a rabbit. So out with locater to check. ON looking a poley hob popped out but this was`nt 1 of ours . Obiously it was someone elses. He even moved up the hedge passing through the particular part we were working and was`nt put o by the other ferrets down there and niether did ours seem bothered by him.

He would`nt come out even when a rabbit was showed for him and he carried on up the hedge . Anyways we carried on up the hedge taking a few more but had to cut it short as the bloody cattle came in and were going to wreck the longnets plus they were`nt takin kindly to the dogs so we thought we would move to another spot urther over by the river . This spot we just purse netted and bolted a good few rabbits out in quick succession . Unfortunatly i did`nt have me phone that day but this is end of day pic my mate sent me .




31 in the bag .


Backout sunday and this time i had me phone with me to take a few pics lol . Back down by the river doing a big stretch that we had done last year . Now this stretch is quite literally all inter linked its as old as the hills and your never going to clear all the rabbits out even with plenty ferrets in just a rabbit highway down there .


Well on inspection there was plenty rabbit shit about :laugh:







This is were we started




And looking down to were we would end up quite a bit of ground to cover :blink:




Longnets were layed out spliting it into sections with purse nets randomly scattered just to many holes to purse net. Plus the dogs were there to do there job aswell and they did well. The idea was to try and flush the rabbits down each section and when ferrets were showing move onto the next whilst someone lifted the nets from the back and relayed in front of the lads that were busy ferreting.








They big setts can take the ferrets a while to locate the rabbits with them being deep old setts but eventually they did and the action began with rabbits popping up making a run or it into the longnets or back netting there selves in the purse nets .

Even the dogs were on the ball nailing rabbits trying to make there getaway .












Steadily we were covering the ground picking nets up and relaying in front so that we allways had ground in font covered ready to put ferrets straight into. Like i say your never going to get every rabbit out o here but we were giving it a good go :laugh:








Rabbits were still bolting and the ferrets were having to work bloody hard covering alot of ground .










The plus side to these setts is the spade is not required to often or did i speak to soon :o




Looking back down the ground we had covered




Plenty water flowing through the tyne aswell




A well earned 30 rabbits was the end result so all together we had bagged 61 rabbits on our first outing of 2010.

2 good days out you just can`t beat it and no sign of young in the gutted rabbits .








Thanks for reading keep at em FV :thumbs:

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