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ive been to many game fairs and never really knew what the judges look for in a lurcher and was just wondering on how they choose the winning dog?? and also is it true that the judges like a bit of mark on the face to show that the dog is doing what it was bred for and not just a show pooch??

thanks kieran121

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ive been to many game fairs and never really knew what the judges look for in a lurcher and was just wondering on how they choose the winning dog?? and also is it true that the judges like a bit of mark on the face to show that the dog is doing what it was bred for and not just a show pooch??

thanks kieran121

A judge's job is to pick out the dogs with the best conformation,,condition, and movement, maybe add in temperament, if two dogs are very close in appearance. A judge is not there to assess working ability ,because he can't.

All a judge can do is choose those dogs that look as though they have the best of the qualities mentioned,thereby enabling them to do the job they were bred for.

Scarks /marks should not be a factor,a dog covered with scars might be a clumsy sod ,who cuts himself on a blade of grass,scars are not medals.

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scars are not medals.


This is THL ..Scars ARE medals and to be paraded at every oppertunity

Oh dear ! Another macho owner.


What is the merit of a scar on a dog?


Don't say it proves it is a worker ,because ,as I explained it might just as easily prove it is a clumsy animal that is accident prone.

I know this is the hunting life ,the question was what does a judge look for in a dog at a lurcher show?

ps It's opportunity,not oppertunity.

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scars are not medals.


This is THL ..Scars ARE medals and to be paraded at every oppertunity

Oh dear ! Another macho owner.


What is the merit of a scar on a dog?


Don't say it proves it is a worker ,because ,as I explained it might just as easily prove it is a clumsy animal that is accident prone.

I know this is the hunting life ,the question was what does a judge look for in a dog at a lurcher show?

ps It's opportunity,not oppertunity.



:clapper: @ Inan.... :thumbs:

Thanks Guvnor!


I remember you penning an article in the old Shooting News ,accompanied with a diagram ,"What a Judge Looks For", I think it was called,or something like that ,this was before I ever judged a show,and you were still wearing that cheese cutter,very good article, back in the days when the mag was for meat and potatoes dog men ,and hadn't drifted towards the Shooting Times end of the market.

I watched you and Ted Walsh judge and hopefully picked up a few tips ,but its a no win situation,as you know.

When you are judging ,you creep around prior to the start ,trying to avoid friends ,lest you get into conversation and get seen by someone who duly says he put his mate's dog up.

You end up making one friend ,the winner, and several enemies, the losers.

I did the East Of England again last year ,for my old mate Stat, but rarely judge nowadays .

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me personaly i feel really sorry for the judge at these shows, they have a tough job picking 1 dog out of upto 70!! the winner loves them the loosers hate them, people sit around the ring and bitch like hell about them and how they would of chosen the dog that is clearly a pet never chased its own tail let alone a rabbit lol as the post says above somewhere they have to skulk around before the show keeping out of folks way its a joke lol

i like to enter my dogs into the shows not to win but it helps the people who run the clubs to keep them going its a bit of something to do and if i get turned away i wait till the end and shake the judges hand telling him he/she's done a good job i like to meet new people with the same sort of interests as myself so go to these places its just a laugh but far to many people take them so serious i cant actually believe you still see people arguing with the judge in the ring about how it should be there dog winning not jo blogg's these folk need to get a life lol so crack on judges you all do a wonderful job even if you dont pick my scabby muts out lol :clapper: ...atvb ...daks :)

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Yes, some people take these shows very, very seriously indeed!


What would happen if someone turned up with the best known, greatest quarry slayer in the kingdom and everyone in and around the ring, including the judge, knew it but the dog was an extremely ugly specimen of a dog but a fantastic worker all the same? Would the one with the best phyisque and POTENTIAL working ability win? :hmm:


I don't show dogs, by the way. Just wondering?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Many years ago i was a member of the bristol long dog club and i was asked to judge a few shows down in devon and as others have said its a thank less job but somebodys got to do it. you cant please all the people all of the time as they say but when i was picking a dog it was down to what i like on the day i asked every owner if there dog worked and the answer was always yes mate kills hares and rabbits every day so its just down to the judge on the day to make his mind up what dog he thinks looks the part and could do the job scares play no part in it as others have said dogs can get them in the kennel so just treat shows as a bit of fun to pass the summer mths with meet a few mates and catch up with old ones and help the clubs make a few pounds to keep going.

just enjoy it win or lose its just for fun :toast::thumbs:

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