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Stud fees?

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Kelly, you do understand we are talking about LURCHERS here, don't you ? Not some over priced, over hyped Pedigree! When I was thinking of mating one of my bitches, I was offered the services of open class Greyhounds, Rch Non Ped Whippets and some of the best working Lurchers I've seen; all for free ! Why ? because the owners were mates, and could, of course have had a pup if they wanted one. The pups would have been kept, given to mates or culled. There is to much money making and puppy peddling going on now, to the detriment of Lurchers.



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Stud fees , £15 into game fairs , £250 a pup , - no wonder the lurcherworld is full of idiots !!! .Genuine working dog lads - well the ones i would bother with - let you use their dog for nothing in the hope an outstanding dog comes out of it and are more than happy to see the pups go to a w orking home . Ive two pups on the yard now , both outstandingly bred , off lads on here , i paid for the jabs on one and nothing for the other

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  On 18/01/2010 at 00:13, kellyxxx said:

[bANNED TEXT] I was introducing my stud I would charge a daily fee for the time the bitch was in my care for mating and then ask for a dog and a bitch depending on litter size bk at 12 week. This way you can sell the pups and act as if that's ur stud fee.



WTF :wallbash::wallbash: a daily fee??? why would you ask a daily fee as the bitch is only tied to the dog for no more then approx 1hr and then commen practice the bitch will return 48hrs apart. :wallbash::wallbash:


then ask for a dog and a bitch depending on litter size bk at 12 week???? who in the right mind keeps a liter of pups more then 8 weeks unless they cant sell them. :wallbash::wallbash:


mate dont listen to this, your best of not asking nothing 1st off as the i would tell you to hop it if you asked a price to me on an un proven dog. (unproven with bitches)

like its been said the bloke is doing you a favour in letting you prove your dog, as im sure he could go out and find a dog of equal quality and proven for £50 >< £100.

if you insist on a fee just tell him to buy you a sack off meal.



ATB wxm

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  On 18/01/2010 at 09:24, J Darcy said:

How about.......


Only line good working bitches that pups won't be getting sold for silly money. Give them the lining for free and keep a pup back for yourself. If you dont want the pup then give it to one of your mates. IF you or your mates dont want a pup then why give a stud out? Theres plenty of unhomed lurcher pups in the rescue centres. Why create more? Only breed when theres a need. :icon_eek:

Personally i would never charge for a stud, but then again, i would'nt give a stud to anyone who sells pups, and i would never give one of my pups to anyone who sells dogs either.... :victory:


Good Luck....JD


I agree pal

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I personally would only ever ask for a pup of the litter. An many guys i know in the doggy game are the same.

Money never seems to come into it. We only breed when we need new dogs to bring on. The price off pups in Northern Ireland is nowhere near what it is over your neck off the woods. An i don't think its anything to do with quailty. Ive noticed since being on this site that sum people only seem to be out to make £££££££ from dogs.

Edited by NOOK/ANNA
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  On 17/01/2010 at 22:58, iceman001979 said:

Sorry mate but who is going pay a stud fee for a dog that as did nothing yet he may be out off good stuff but does not mean he is a good dog.A dog has till prove its self over 4 5 years before anyone should charge a price.

I breed a litter myself this year and paid £100 for the stud and that was off a good friend but the sire off my pups is a proven dog in the field.Think who every is going pay you for a stud need till have a look at them selfs but if there willing till pay then thats up till them.

Who needs enemies with good friends like that

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  On 18/01/2010 at 10:56, kellyxxx said:

Maybe I shud of mentioned my stud is a racing grey. Maybe I shudnt of said owt. Looks like the lurcher world is completly different. Iv only ever been envolved in greys and thought it might apply in some ways but maybe not. But this is why I'm on hear to learn. Sorry.


Kelly, Greyhounds are bred to win money, so well bred pups from proven winners command big prices, as do proven stud dogs, (much the same as coursing dogs before the ban). But Lurchers are bred for sport, not money,(or at least they should be !!). So, if you have a top stud Greyhound, I can see where you are coming from.



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Guest Mass_G3nocide

If someone uses my dogs then i will take a pup back and give it to someone who needs it A mate,If they do not want the pup then it will go to someone who does want it.Prferably in my area but then if the bitch is useless my dog aint going over her,I will only put my dogs over good bitches that puts alot of people off asking if they can use him.But mainly my dogs go over my friends bitches and the pups get shared out.The only thing that passes hands is a bag of dogs grub.

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