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help im a newbie

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Hey guys if you had read any of my other 2 posts then you prob realise that i dont know a hell of a lot about hunting with dogs.I have lived in the country side all my life and have always been into shooting rabbits and pidgeons etc with air rifles and when i got a bit older shotguns.6 months ago i got a jack russel puppy from a farm for the sole intention of him being a pet as i had my labrador that i had had since i was 11 put down a few months before.Since i have had "BUD" my girlfriend got me a book "the complete jack russel terrier"by Brian Plummer.I started reading and i was instantly hooked on the stories of him ratting and ferreting with his terriers.I have since read a couple more books "tales of a rat catching man" by Brian Plummer and "rabbiting terriers" by David Bezzant and i am hooked.Just wondering what advise you would give me on how to start out and what age you guys would start your terriers on rats?I know a couple farmers in my area but have yet to ask them for permision to work the dog on there land but i am sure they wil let me.ANy comments will help,Thanks. P.S sorry for making you read this essay!

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