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ferreting today

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hi i went ferreting today netted up the first two sets round trees with a bit of bramble cover round them. the first set nothing bolted but i no there was something dwn there cause the ferret was down for a long time with no shows. then nxt set two bolted to caught. third set ferret stayed down for a long time killed one but it was 6 feet down and didnt fancy digging that deep so waited. the rabbits didnt want to bolt today and it made the work for the ferrets alot harder usally they bolt them quikly but this week they didnt want to bolt. has anyone had this problem

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some days seem just to be like that and i've never been able to work out why.I have had various theories over the years,wind being the most common one but some days they just bolt regardless of conditions.

Last week we went to a farm,the snow was up to our knees yet the rabbits bolted well,down the hedgerows,who knows?

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Same here seems the spades out at every second bury , tried differnt methord too purseneting then longnetting them then finally just dropping the ferrets in and shooting them so we weren't even near the burrows but nothing seems to help

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