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MK 1 vs MK 3

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if they made an updated MK1 with the MK3M collars you could have the best of both worlds....................

Mk 1 box works perfect with mk3 collars mate.For me the mk1 is the best of both and I cant stand the noise of the mk3.

yes but the technology of the MK1 is old, mine went tits up last season leaving me no option but to upgrade to a MK3.....................

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Anyone who says they prefer the mk1 are either stuck in the old days or havent been using the mk3 right. The mk1 was super acurate (as is mk3 if you use it right) but the technology is prehistoric and gave up the ghost far too often.


And the mk3 noise is usefull, when your standing on a near vertical hillside in january with the wind and rain slapping your face, you will be glad of it :tongue2:


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A like the mk3 more. A bonus that not many consider is the fact ferrets are more willing to come to the sound of the mk3, than the thud of the mk1. (at least in my experiance)



Funnily enough, I've found this too, ferrets do prefer the MK3 :D

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I lost my mk 1 while up the side of a mountain ferreting,It started pouring rain and in my haste I left it behind.8 WEEKS.......8 WEEKS it was sat up there on the grass in all kinds of weather until the farmer rang me and asked if I had lost ''some contraption''of a bright orange color.I got it back and it wouldnt work.I was gutted as I couldnt afford a new one.I ferreted the whole time without a locator and managed quiet well without it with only 1 or 2 dodgy moments.Well after 4 weeks of siting on a shelf in the kitchen I tried it again with new batteries and be jaysus it kicked back into life,I have used it numerous times since and its perfect.Hows that for technology for ye.Some piece of kit I tell ye.I even wrote to Deben about it,they offered to service it for me.I think I put a post on here at the time too.

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