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4 Hours pigeon bashing with the lads


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Hi all,


Here is a small write up from today’s 4 hour meet at one of my permissions.


Myself and my son Dylan met Reggaeman, Wuzzy and Festa at my permission at 1210 hrs.


We all went in the range to zero our rifles.


I and Wuzzy had both just made changes to our combos so needed to fully zero.


Wuzzy as just bought a Nikko Stirling Laser King and I had just put on some new Hawk high mounts so that I can fit the scope cam to the rifle.


After a chat we went around the permission driving to see what feather was about.


Festa is after a new HW100KT so I borrowed him mine for the session to try out and see what he thinks before spending his money :thumbs: .


I think after his first shot at a 25 metre woody sat high in a tree which smashed to the floor with a thump with a clinical heart shot he had already made up his mind and is now buying one :clapper: .


I sort of get the feeling from the look on his face that he loves the HW100KT 8) .


He never really missed anything all day to mind and even managed to cause some feathers to fly LOL on a lased 44 metre feral pigeon in the wind ;) .


Reggaeman and Wuzzy were also on form as usual knocking birds out the trees and off the work buildings right, left and Chelsea :whistling: .


Reggaeman had his trusty .177 S510 and Wuzzy had his new HW100T


It was definitely a bad day to be a pigeon on my permission today with the quality of shots that was on the prowl :boxing: .


Dylan enjoyed it too and is learning from all the experience around him more and more every time :thumbs: .


They managed 15 pigeons in total by taking it in turns to shoot while I drove them around the permission :notworthy: .


Quite a few fell onto an adjacent permission of mine owned by the farmer John, while some laid dead on the flat roofs for the lads to get down with the crane on Monday morning.


Well yet again in was a good 4 hours fun and a pleasure for me to be out with some top lads doing a good job while having a laugh and enjoying our sport together :thumbs: .




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thanks again si mate it was a good few hours and your right i did love the hw100 an its going straight to the top ov my list .. :boogie: roll on the end of the month thanks again lads

have you booked that counting class for chris ... just to explain for thoses who wont there 2 woodies siting side by side so i said to chris on 3 you go for the left 1 ill take the right so it went 1 , 2, bang but chris had other ideas his version went 1,2,3, bang ... lol mine dropped dead


so chris its on 3 (3 being the bang bit) 1,2,bang lol


atb gary

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Sounds like ya'wl had a good time popin' the pigeons :gunsmilie:

And thats a good supply of meat under the feathers :yes:


Is Dylan shooting now Si?



lol yes better than his dad tony mate


atb gary

Edited by festa
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festa festa festa... you know you cheated on the count lol lol :whistling:

cheers mr zini for another fun day out. its always a pleasure to get up there and shoot with such a good set of lads :clapper::clapper:

glad dylan enjoyed his day too. i'm sure the little gherka didn't have such a good day :whistling: but i suppose he's only himself to blame for his stupidity :thumbdown:

well lads as i said it was a great day out again and can't wait til we can get up again.



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Zini pal, if you dont mind me asking, what barraks are you on there mate.

Looks a bit like Catterick.



catterick it is luke mate


atb gary

Thort it was mate, a done a bit of work down there my self, ATB lads.


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lol lol raiderboy. i know where your coming from pal :whistling: (sorry gary)

tony the little gherka bit i will leave for zini to explain. its not fair for me to tell his tale. bl**dy funny tho. i am only glad i'm one of si's mates and not a foe eh lads? :whistling:



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Hi all,


Thanks for the kind comments and im glad that the lads enjoyed their time shooting with me.


Yes Tony, Dylan is shooting but i dont let him attempt shots at anything live past 10 metres yet.


He only is allowed to shoot doves on the garden at 10m when im with him and I think the shot is easy enough for him until i think he is ready to extend his range to 15m.


He has only shot 1 live thing so far but it was a good shot and the bird fell like a stone.


He shoots with me in my range at targets and im coaching him to shoot properly and use the correct trigger control and follow through etc.


He normally uses my R10 off the bipod as its easier for him to rest the rifle and concentrate on what im teaching him.


If i teach him the correct methods when i get him a good starter springer with a nice trigger in the future he will be able to use his lessons learnt and shoot it well.


He only shot in the range today pal and not at the pigeons. He was there to observe and learn from the experience of the lads.



Edited by zini
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The Gurka thing was a joke Tony.


We were going through a very deep puddle in my car at about 5 miles per hour with the windows down, when a Gurka thought that he would try and impress his mate in his car by bombing through the puddle very fast and soaking all of us, which they did, soaking me, the inside of my car and all the lads and their combos.


It sort of made me mad as you can imagine as these guns arnt cheap (1 x HW100KT, 1x HW100T, 1x S510 all brand new) and neither is my car so i chased him and caught up with him, stopping him 300 metres up the road.


He had his car window open so i reached through his window and taught him how to talk like a Doctor Who Darlic.


Ill leave the rest to your imagination :boxing:


Some how i dont think he will do it again, and i bet his weekend is spoilt.



Edited by zini
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