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keeping ferrets you should always have a spare cage for emergancys,

our snipped hobs cost £60 each, how much is your jill jab?, ours are around £10, and a lot of vets wont jab the same fert more than once per season, so it would make sense to take the hob, then follow kays advice and run him with only one jill this year, but if he's 100% snipped, you'll then save on vets for the next few years, and it'll be better on the jills

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new back to ferrets myself this winter done some diging around and this is what ive been advised and to me seems the best solution for all and just bring in a hob with what you desire or need as and when required but been told make sure its a good vets as said in the thread

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new back to ferrets myself this winter done some diging around and this is what ive been advised and to me seems the best solution for all and just bring in a hob with what you desire or need as and when required but been told make sure its a good vets as said in the thread




follow kays advice then you will know, if you get him & dont use him to serve your jills & pay for all your jills to be jabbed , what is the point in getting the hob in the first place ? regards john

Edited by johnmac666
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well they are :wallbash:


The hob I have chance of is from a ferret rescue and has not been vasected yet but will be done before I take him


I'd be surprised if they are vasectomising him.

They will probably neuter him (castration) there is a big difference.

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OK, just saying for a rescue then neutering is a much cheaper option.

Another reason I said that is as you know a hobs balls this time of year are retracted so a vasectomy is usually carried out when the hob is in breeding condition.

I've a vasectomised hob and he's with my 3 jills all year round so if your sure he has been done then this is by far your best option.

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the rescuer told me she could get it vasected if there was any doubt i would pay to get it done at my vets



OK, just saying for a rescue then neutering is a much cheaper option.

Another reason I said that is as you know a hobs balls this time of year are retracted so a vasectomy is usually carried out when the hob is in breeding condition.

I've a vasectomised hob and he's with my 3 jills all year round so if your sure he has been done then this is by far your best option.

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If he's not been tried yet its a gamble till you try him on your first jill and you know you will have to wait at least 6 weeksplus to make sure he still not fertile before you use him mate ??

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