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my ne tx200hc 177

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hi ya everyone

got my new tx200hc today plus i got a fantastic deal on it as well he gave me a new scope 3-9-40 pa ilum and a new silencer too the gun is 4 weeks old here is a picture of her, i didnt get chance to go to my new shoot but i managed to have enough time to have a shoot in my back garden on my range there 40yrds by 21 1/2 yards wide and shooting tunnel so i can make sure all my guns are safe before i go out plus having the open range there to gives me both sides of shooting well i went to zero her and at 40yrds i was on pellet on pellets the first few went all over as i aint used a springer for a couple of weeks but you soon get the hang of the gunonce you have fired off a couple had a nice woodie come and sat down watching me so i put the cross hair to the side of it's head and droping to the floor straight through the eye perfect shot i was jumping for joy so i'm off to my new shoot in the morning with the tx200hc so i hope to have pictures for you all again and again :clapper: so here she is the new lady of my life 14b6m9d.jpg

kindest regards


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Nice looking rifle that Venom,


Im glad that you got a good deal on it to pal, your a real gent and deserve good things :thumbs: .


Have you sold your PCP now and gone back to springers?


I cant wait to get my new springer.


Im keeping the 2 PCp's though for rainy days :whistling:



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hi ya lads

yeah really happy with the gun.

and si nooooooo i still have my venomviper 22 and a few others all pcp's but i do like the springers i like the recoil i feel as if i have shot a gun everytime i do like pcp's but when your shooting i feel as if i am waiting for the recoil or did it shoot ? if you know what i mean matey but the tx200hc can with the silencer and scope i still have my hw silencer and bipod but i was thinking if i could put a hw silencer on her if there is an adapter to fit inside the tx and a 1/2 unf male so it would go on as i aint to keen on the silencer i have when you are at the gunsmiths ask him if there is away please buddy i will try another picture to see if that is ok. and yer thaks si so many kind words from you and everyone if i can help i will so many people fight each other when all it takes is one to help, the fighting would end and thats what friends are all about.

kindest regards


Edited by venomviper
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