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12v 10Ah Lithium Ion Battery Pack How are they?

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Hi gang how are these new batt packs doing? I know they have been out for a while now hence me asking how they in the field seeing where half way threw the season would like to know how you guys rate them I.E LAMPING HOURS TO THE CHARGE TIME it takes to charge them can any one fault them apart from the price? How many lamping hours do you get from them. I know it can depend on how you lamp swift sweeps etc etc but are they any good My days trawling fields with the old car batt and cebe car head lamps gone even the old motor bike battery use to do me head in lol. Then we had our old favourite the 12volt 17amp battery So gang would really appreciate a little review pros and cons so to speak many thanks and look forward in your comments. Oh could you also mention what lamp you use with the batterie many once again.

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yes very hapy with mine xmas present from wife i use it with a striker variable only been out a couple of times with the weather the way it is but very pleased with the kit it come from bushwear uk 229 delivered hope this is of little help to you cheers taffey :gunsmilie:

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Hi gang how are these new batt packs doing? I know they have been out for a while now hence me asking how they in the field seeing where half way threw the season would like to know how you guys rate them I.E LAMPING HOURS TO THE CHARGE TIME it takes to charge them can any one fault them apart from the price? How many lamping hours do you get from them. I know it can depend on how you lamp swift sweeps etc etc but are they any good My days trawling fields with the old car batt and cebe car head lamps gone even the old motor bike battery use to do me head in lol. Then we had our old favourite the 12volt 17amp battery So gang would really appreciate a little review pros and cons so to speak many thanks and look forward in your comments. Oh could you also mention what lamp you use with the batterie many once again.

out with mine tonight 4 hours then just went out. i was just getting through the headge had to go home anyway good battery and i got 10 rabbits. my dog is more a daytime 1. i will bring my old battery as a spare from now on.



Don't mean to be rude but does this not sort of defeat the object of getting a light battery if you're going to carry the old one with you as well? unless you mean leave the old battery in the car and go back for it?

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mine works well so far but iv only used it on a short trip but nice and light and seems good the connector you have to plug the lamp conection ito seems a bit flimsy im sure il end up pushing it through iside the battery befor long but thats typical of deben nothing made to last but for now it seems fine and im sure the price will drop in time .i think by next season il have 2 on my belt there defo light enough

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USED minefor the first time the other night lamping from the truck, was used for about 3 hours, andwas still working . had the striker on it , also cos we were driving the land the lamp is on nearly all the time.


also its more comfortable to use even whilst driving, as befor i had the little rucksac on wich is uncomfortable between you and the seat back.

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i wouldnt mind one bit abit pricey for me tho, wonder what the tehcnologies going to be like next season,i heard talk about LED lamps being developed they would change the lamping game as they hardly use much power


I have heard that too, the ones that are being developed are very small but very powerfull aparently. I would imagion when both technologies are available they will be used to create a single unit (battery contained in lamp itself) gone are the days of car batteries and headlights thats for sure!


I have just had a thought about this. I wonder how hard it would be to convert a standard lamp to LED? any electricians on the forum?

Edited by cumbrian-whippet
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i wouldnt mind one bit abit pricey for me tho, wonder what the tehcnologies going to be like next season,i heard talk about LED lamps being developed they would change the lamping game as they hardly use much power


I have heard that too, the ones that are being developed are very small but very powerfull aparently. I would imagion when both technologies are available they will be used to create a single unit (battery contained in lamp itself) gone are the days of car batteries and headlights thats for sure!


I have just had a thought about this. I wonder how hard it would be to convert a standard lamp to LED? any electricians on the forum?

what sort of money is the battery pack and best place to buy from

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