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Transporting Firearms in Vehicles

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I have two cabinets in the back of my van, bolted in place and discreetly covered, in order to hide from prying eyes. These were installed of my own back; though my FEO inspected and commended me on doing this for extra security whilst moving around during my daily duties. Does anyone else take similar precautions in safeguarding their firearms or ammunition whilst travelling about? I used to know a few farmers that left their ammunition on show or rolling around their dash boards in everyone's view !!!

Edited by Urban Fox Control London
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I have two cabinets in the back of my van, bolted in place and discreetly covered, in order to hide from prying eyes. These were installed of my own back; though my FEO inspected and commended me on doing this for extra security whilst moving around during my daily duties. Does anyone else take similar precautions in safeguarding their firearms or ammunition whilst travelling about? I used to know a few farmers that left their ammunition on show or rolling around their dash boards in everyone's view !!!

Well done you!

My buddy has a very good and discrete gun cabinet behind the front seat in his 'Landi', best I've seen (or not seen in this case) He cut a standard 3 Gun 'cheapo' cabinet down and re-welded the result, bolted it in behind the cab seats and then 'camo'd' the instalation.

I don't have this in my Isuzu, but I do have a rigid cover over the rear load deck, but it's not locked so I never leave it un-attended with guns in the back.

I know what you mean about farmers, my mate always has an old single 12 (loaded!, OH DEAR) behind the seat of his Landi.

Andy F

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I have two cabinets in the back of my van, bolted in place and discreetly covered, in order to hide from prying eyes. These were installed of my own back; though my FEO inspected and commended me on doing this for extra security whilst moving around during my daily duties. Does anyone else take similar precautions in safeguarding their firearms or ammunition whilst travelling about? I used to know a few farmers that left their ammunition on show or rolling around their dash boards in everyone's view !!!


A very good idea. I only ever travel directly to the range and back again so I don't have anything spcial, I just lock my guns in the boot. If I were regularly travelling long distances or had to leave them for any length of time in an unattended vehicle then I would be looking at doing something similar to you.


Leaving ammo knocking about your car and on show is just stupid, quite honstly.


Actually, did anyone see the Holland & Holland Range Rover on TG the other week? Well cool!



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I have a cable inside a flexible rubber tube that I put round the trigger guard, out of the end of the case and around the pillars holding the rear seats in place, my boot is just wide enough to put the case in I can then just put a glove, hat, coat or whatever to cover the padlock on the front seat, so there's absolutely no evidence that there is a firearm in the car, I only do this if I need to pop in somewhere coming back from shooting, otherwise, if I'm not going to be leaving the car untended I'll just put the case behind the seats.



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