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aadvice please

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im 14 and looking for a rabbiting dog. iv posted this on the terrier forum and they all advised me to go for a lurcher as a terreir may go down on foxes which i dont want. iv got a neighbour who has a lurcher. shes all black with a whits patch on her chest. i would like to have a lurcher with these markings but i want a small type so can anyone advise me on the cross i should go for

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markings dont make a difference to how many rabbits a dog will catch if i was you id be more worried about finding good breeding from working perents than coat colour


if you want somthing small id go for whippet crosses although pure whippets make exellent rabbiting dogs


if its your first lurcher mabey a 1/4 collie x would be a good start as they are easy to train and if you find the right breeding will be an good allrounder if you decide to move onto bigger stuff in the future


only my opinion mate but good luck



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you should get a lurcher for that price or less a pure whippet may be more as there a pure breed but make exellent dogs. have a look in the for sale section mate you should find somthing, before you jump in at the deep end take some time to do abit of reading about trainning, exercise, diet ect can you afford to keep a dog and do you have the time to put into it as the saying goes, you get out of a dog what you put into a dog


good luck mate hope you find what your looking for

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no one has asked you, but what type of terrain will you be working??


And to the people telling him to get a whippet, he did say he wanted a lurcher....


Whippets are good rabbiting dogs but if you live in the moorland reaches, hilly or mountain areas of the flag your flying a whippet will be no good for winter work. People will argue the toss about this but beleive me...


I have a saluki beddywhippet with a long good coat. I have seen her curl up whimpering behind walls on those rainy windy wintery days on the hills..


make your own mind up mate but like a few good heads on here have already said, you'll not go far wrong with a collie. Reason, they are a hardy dog, usually tight toed so can work most ground, plus the collie usually gives the lurcher a much warmer coat, they are very inteligent and can turn there hand to most jobs associated with what you wanted...


People will come on here when you ask a question like you have, especially new comers, and say there own breed of dog, not taking into account you may live somewhere totally different than there landscape. They will over look all other posts and not even read what others have said. be careful mate, if you need any more help pm me..

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or if your into terriers a bedlington terier x whippet make good little dogs

l agree yea cant go wrong with this if yea want a small lucher .

Fast,good coat, and game so l would go for this breed if l was you any thing with greyhound in it will but alot off height into your lucher so if your looking something small stick till a whippet cross.

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no one has asked you, but what type of terrain will you be working??


And to the people telling him to get a whippet, he did say he wanted a lurcher....


Whippets are good rabbiting dogs but if you live in the moorland reaches, hilly or mountain areas of the flag your flying a whippet will be no good for winter work. People will argue the toss about this but beleive me...


I have a saluki beddywhippet with a long good coat. I have seen her curl up whimpering behind walls on those rainy windy wintery days on the hills..


make your own mind up mate but like a few good heads on here have already said, you'll not go far wrong with a collie. Reason, they are a hardy dog, usually tight toed so can work most ground, plus the collie usually gives the lurcher a much warmer coat, they are very inteligent and can turn there hand to most jobs associated with what you wanted...


People will come on here when you ask a question like you have, especially new comers, and say there own breed of dog, not taking into account you may live somewhere totally different than there landscape. They will over look all other posts and not even read what others have said. be careful mate, if you need any more help pm me..



good advise mate the land you intend to run on WILL play a big part in the dogs working life. you dont want a dog that is going to be laid up for weeks after every outing, collie crosses seem to handle most land well. as your in wales i think you will be able to find a good litter from working perents in your area.

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