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all round deer gun

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im just getting into deer stalking and have the chance to go after red stag but will be many shooting roe is the .243 capuable off this or is a bigger cal needed. if any 1 could advise on a setup it would b a [bANNED TEXT] help will stend atleast 1300 on it all



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I use a .243 for roe, fallow and munties and i am more than happy with that and i would use it on reds (wih the right bullet) occasionally if the opportunity arose


However if i was doing it all over again and I didnt get offered a sauer 202 for £650 then i would have stuck with 6.5x55 as my deer rifle i think (.22-250 for foxes)


I would go for the 6.5x55 as an all round deer gun. More is a bit much on the small stuff and less is a bit little on the big stuff.

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I shot my first red with a 243 a woodland stag and it downed the beast no probs, now if l am red stalking l use a 308 for me its a perfect all round deer rifle, can be a little hard on young or doe munty's just watch your bullet placement

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IF you are confident you can place the round where it needs to be the .243 is very capable of taking ANY deer species in the uk.


This topic has been argued to death before and everyone will have their own opinion, however the 6.5x55 swede is an excellent calibre too...


If you don't feel confident practice at the ranges you intend to shoot too,


As for gun and scope its all down to personal opinion again... some prefer fixed mag... other go for variable. power....



If you can go for a quality scope, then splash out, if not look for a quailty optic second hand.... you gotta be able to see it to shoot it...





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i have just got a variation to swap my .308 for a 6.5x55


flat shooting and not alot of recoil. I have seen my mates sauer loaded with 120g ballistic tip home loads flatten red deer mate.



thanks [bANNED TEXT] am more heading towards the .243 due to i do alot of fox shooting aswel



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Hi there I have used all calibres on deer mainly Roe and foxes.

And would say that the 6.5 is the best choice.

I handload for mine and if you get into foxing I'm sure you will.

My 125g nosler partition load sends this pill out @ 2,870fps. a 20" finnlite barrel

A good fox round is the 95g VMax going 3100fps.

Sierra do an 85g HP bullet and this would be an awesum fox round.

As an all round factory choice you could do worsse then 127g cone point.

For red stags you can always go 140g, and my favorite woodland head is the 156g this is not easily deflected and gets through bracken and twigs to make a kill happen.

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Hi there I have used all calibres on deer mainly Roe and foxes.

And would say that the 6.5 is the best choice.

I handload for mine and if you get into foxing I'm sure you will.

My 125g nosler partition load sends this pill out @ 2,870fps. a 20" finnlite barrel

A good fox round is the 95g VMax going 3100fps.

Sierra do an 85g HP bullet and this would be an awesum fox round.

As an all round factory choice you could do worsse then 127g cone point.

For red stags you can always go 140g, and my favorite woodland head is the 156g this is not easily deflected and gets through bracken and twigs to make a kill happen.

would i get my .243 lience on the same ground as ive getting my .22 and .17 mr or will i need to get new land

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The only person who can tell you mate is your flo.



on the subject of flo. how do ppl find them when getting in contact with them. i have always found them ok but do they no anyting about feild sports ?


and my question on the land for .243 was just to see if [NO TEXT TALK] had land that was suited ok for .22 and new what the law was for granting the land suitable for .22 correct me if am rong but i think its about 50 metres from a main roand.



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Again its regardless weather or not the flo has any experience of field sports as you have to go through them.

And he will take in many things in making up his mind public footpaths access etc, backstops,and many other things.

By putting up high seats may help you'r case.

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