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I gave him a rat that we dug from a friends garden,as we were digging it bolted.He was on him in an instant.Like a pro,dead in seconds.I showed him 1 in a cage after that and I had to stand on the cage he almost demolished it,I know its only a rat and a long way from earth work but he has a bit of prey drive in him so fingers crossed.

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Anyone here has a dog that eats everything,and I'm not on about food.I have a lakelandxrussel/bull,10 months old and hes a destructive little b*****d.Hes eaten the back of the fridge in the shed,I gave him a cow matt to lie on so he'd be warm one winter,guess what? he ate it and was shitting black rubber for a week.Hes eaten a walking stick,an electric planer,(the handle only of course)his sleeping quarters.His aluminium bowl.anyone got anything like him,hes really got me sick of him,by jasus he better work in december or I know what he'll be eating.



Jigsaw if he wont work in Dec for ya, give him an OBE.

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Anyone here has a dog that eats everything,and I'm not on about food.I have a lakelandxrussel/bull,10 months old and hes a destructive little b*****d.Hes eaten the back of the fridge in the shed,I gave him a cow matt to lie on so he'd be warm one winter,guess what? he ate it and was shitting black rubber for a week.Hes eaten a walking stick,an electric planer,(the handle only of course)his sleeping quarters.His aluminium bowl.anyone got anything like him,hes really got me sick of him,by jasus he better work in december or I know what he'll be eating.



Jigsaw if he wont work in Dec for ya, give him an OBE.

have you tried feeding him?andrewmart06@yahoo.ie

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True as God,I went ferreting yesterday and 1 of the lads brought his ferret also so I changed ferret carrying boxes from a double to a single carrying box.When I got back the double box was demolished,I must have left the strap hanging down from the shelf over his box.The strap was in his box and the lid was on 1 side and the main box was half eaten.Millet your fellow is a little worse than mine I think,theres a place in heaven for both of us.

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