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ferreting and fox dog

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well lads looking to get a dog that i can bring ferreting but that will also b good anufe for a fox i have never used a dog for ferreting before but i was tinking a 3/4 hound 1/4 collie if [NO TEXT TALK] has any advise it would b grate.

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well lads looking to get a dog that i can bring ferreting but that will also b good anufe for a fox i have never used a dog for ferreting before but i was tinking a 3/4 hound 1/4 collie if [NO TEXT TALK] has any advise it would b grate.

thats strange thought people would either want one or the other as putting a ferreting dog on fox usually will make them hard mouthed

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well lads looking to get a dog that i can bring ferreting but that will also b good anufe for a fox i have never used a dog for ferreting before but i was tinking a 3/4 hound 1/4 collie if [NO TEXT TALK] has any advise it would b grate.

thats strange thought people would either want one or the other as putting a ferreting dog on fox usually will make them hard mouthed

nah not at all if they get out plenty they get to know there jobs,seen half x bull greys that do both in the days you were allowed to do both. :thumbs:

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A mate had a bull/grey collie/grey [roughly] and i saw him kill fox like a demon and 10 minuits later retreive rabbit after rabbit without a sratch on them,not the prettiest of dogs but did his job very well.


The thing that might be a problem imo is you wouldnt expect a dog with enough bulk to be an efficient fox killer to be really sharp on bolted rabbits,i know plenty of lads will say they have dogs that do both,but most will be much better at one disipline than the other i would think?


Maybe a Beddy x whippet/grey type could be one of the best bets for both?


Pre ban of course.

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