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need advice on getting a sgc or fac

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I wouldn't of thought so if thats all youv got on record

cautions are not convictions so you dont have to declare it on the form but they will bring it up when they come round for the visit and you must tell them nothing but the truth.

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All depends on the circumstances but I wouldn't have thought so.


Basically, it comes down to whether the cops think you are going to be a naughty boy again. The Firearms Act says that the chief officer must not grant a Certificate to a person he thinks is not fit to be entrusted with a firearm. That goes further than just having convictions or cautions so if some chav applies who's well known for causing trouble but has never been convicted of anything then he won't get one.


You don't need to declare cautions, just convictions, but you should probably put it in a covering letter because they are going to know about it anyway so you may as well be upfront about everything from the start. Also, as advised by others, it's a probably a good idea to ring them first because if there is any reason why you wouldn't get one now but would later you don't want to be applying and getting refused because you have to state whether you've been refused on the application. It's always better to be able to tick "no" on that box.



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Whether a caution is a conviction or not I don't know, but write it on the application anyway! They know you have it and the more open you are the better you'll look. Please don't skip it on the form, I've heard of people being refused simply because they've failed to be honest about their past.


How long ago was it? Time is a great healer and for something that minor I'd think a couple of years would be enough.

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