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How To Slow My Terrier Down

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Is he or has he been eating his food with other dogs?


If so he is eating it before the others get at it or still thinks he has got to get it down before someone else gets it.Feed him on his own he will grow out of it or give him half then the other half 10 mins latter.Any one of them should do it. :thumbs:

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Look mate, disregard what you have read in the threads before this :thumbdown: Shite .

Dogs NATURALLY bolt food ,it is the way they are designed .The sickness afterwards is natural too ,he will re-eat it when he wants too .It is a natural way to ensure the dog gets enough food when in company ,whether he is or is not .Some dogs will never do this ,some will never stop but as long as hes fit and well theres nothing to worry about .

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Hi all, i need some advice on my terrier, i think he is eating his food to fast and dont know if io should slow him down opr somthing, when he is finished he reachs as if he is going to be sick and some times does, he is about 12months now and not sure what to do.



Feed him more than once a week and he wont do this.

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