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tv documentry on bin laden

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did anyone see the documentary last on on bin laden think it was on bbc3 ,the more i watched of it the more i realised our government must take us all for fools apparently the american s gave an afghan war lord $2 million and our lot gave another war lord £1 million there was a top American officer talking and he said they had around 8 easy chances to take bin laden out on one of those occasions he had asked for more troops to cut of any escape routes and then he wanted to use aircraft to bomb the place but he said for some reason he was denied both another time they had him in sight out side a mosque but were told not to take him out there for fear shrapnel would hit the mosque starting an up rising by muslims ,the documentary had two or three so called experts debating weather or not bin laden was already dead or still alive ,what do you lot reckon ? if he was dead do you think the afghans would party as he was now a marta or if he is dead would they keep it quiet so as his rebels still had the belief they had there so called great leader

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The yanks left the afgans to take surrond him at the tora bora caves and they let him go. The yanks hadn't enough troops on the ground. You couldn't screw it up worse if you tried.


You have to ask yourself why they claim to have been so worried about blowing up a mosque when they've laid waste to the rest of afganistan and iraq without worrying too much. One minor incident to kill their most wanted guy? SO now they have 100s of accidental bombings of weddings and mosques instead...


If you ask me Bin Laden was never and is never ment to be found. The yanks need their boggy man to keep us all occupied worrying about some daft looking fella rather than why it is we're having out civil liberties stripped away.

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