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Please cross post this email as much as possible.



Dear all,


The father of my Gamekeeper, Paul Seaton, had his two working cocker

spaniels stolen from the kennel by his house on New Years Eve. He

had just taken them for a walk, put them back in the kennel and gone

into his house to make a cup of tea. Within a few minutes they had gone!


Anyone who has shot here will remember seeing them work. I attach a

poster with a photo of them. Their markings are very distinctive, so

they should be easily recognisable. Because of this, it is probable

that the thieves will move them out of this area, so they could

reappear anywhere.


Both males, one is 7 years the other is 4 years. liver roan, docked.

There is a very substantial reward.


Sadly, it seems that theft of working dogs is becoming increasingly

common. I now realise what a terrible effect it has on those


Our whole shooting community is deeply shocked, angry and determined

to get the dogs back. We are also keen to ensure this does not happen



Could I please ask that you spread the details of these two dogs as

widely as possible in your area, and please put up the poster

(depending on where you are you may need to add North Bucks after

Claydon). Any help you can give would be very much appreciated.


With Best Wishes for the New Year


Edmund Verney


Contact phone number Found this online contact

Paul on 07793 601523





Edited by colliebird
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I received the email about these dogs last night. Am going to print a poster out and put it in my shop (animal feed shop) and give my other half a poster to take to the shoot where he goes picking up. Have attached a picture that came with the email I was sent.




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