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shoot season goin well ????

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our small shoot is over 1000 acres very open with 3 reasonable drives but mostly walking hedrows etc shooting 10 days and snipe bog which was poorer this year we stop the snipe november the 450 pheasants this year are holding the best for years weve had over 2oo with 3 days left they were pure bazantes and they are still holding well the snow has pushed them into 1 drive but problems with rats at feeders how do others deal with them

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Not good the weather is playing havoc with shoot days as we only shoot sats all the lads at work through the week.Only got 30 % in the bag up to now but birds are still holding so going to shoot all the sats left starting early and finish late on the day plus feb 1st.(weather permiting ) :wallbash: PS will let you know our final tally atb

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i attend a shoot in north wales we've had a good season this year with over 1000 birds shot already its looking to be better then last years shoot due to greedy guns wanting 150+ bird days bad news for the beaters who have to work twice as hard towards the end of the season to get the bag! even more bad news with the heavy snow we've had here, now we have to walk to each drive because the trailer has been snowed in an cant be moved lol. the guns now have to make do with 60-100 bird days due to thier greediness but theyve learnt to live with it until the end of season ill post an update of the overall tally of the shoot, the shoot im on ends on the 1st of febuary with beaters day which i am looking forward to i estimate the overall tally to be close to 2000 birds but ill have to ask the keeper. ATB fellow beaters and keepers!!

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  • 5 weeks later...

We had a good season. Birds held well right up to the end but the north and east winds after crimbo meant we had to change drives round the opposite way for the first time ever. Returns were 53% partridge and 51% on the pheasant though to be fair we had a good few wild stock of pheasants as well as released. We've had byzanty pheasants for the past 2 seasons and they are great holding well and great on the wing. We still have alot of birds on the ground but feed right through anyway. Hope you all had a great season, IT'LL ALL START AGAIN SOON!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by rowey
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Not good the weather is playing havoc with shoot days as we only shoot sats all the lads at work through the week.Only got 30 % in the bag up to now but birds are still holding so going to shoot all the sats left starting early and finish late on the day plus feb 1st.(weather permiting ) :wallbash: PS will let you know our final tally atb

THE final bag was 28%partridge and 55% pheasant. Average = 41% in the end a good result for our shoot. :thumbs:

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  • 1 month later...

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