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I spent a lot of time recently E-mailing Scottish MSps regarding the damage to the undocked dogs in my kennel and invited them to come with me on a shoot day and prove to them that undocked tails get damaged avery day and dogs with docked tails receive no damage. The following was a letter i received today from AJ Mcfarlane Animal welfare Policy Team.


Dear Mr (Hoolit)

thank you for your E-mail of 22 december addressed to the minister for Public health and sport concerning the docking of working dogs tails in Scotland . i have been asked to reply.


the tail docking of dogs is an extremely controversial issue and strong veiws are held both by those who support the ban and those who think that an exemption should have been made for working dogs as was the case in England.


We note your sincere concerns ,however there is a lack of robust scientific evidence to show whether tail injuries have increased since the ban. The Sottish Goverment contributed £10.000 towards a case control study to estimate the risk of tail injury to dogs.

The aims were to document the risks of tail injuries to dogs in GB to evaluate wether docking of tails reduces the risk of tail injury and to identfy other major risk factors for tail injury . The study was undertaken by The University of Bristol and the Royal Vetinary College in North Mymms.

The study reseachers have now completed the analysis of the returned questionnaires and a draft report has been prepared ;this has to be peer reviewed.

this peer reveiw has now concluded and i understand that the results are expected to be published within the next few weeks . Only when this report has been published will the Scottish Goverment be in a better position to decide whether its policy on tail docking nedds to be reveiwed.


I hope this is of some help.

Yours Sicerely

AJ Mcfarlane

Animal welfare policy team


A study group from a University and the royal Vetinary college , £10.000 of tax payers money they could have (as i invited them )attend a shoot day and bloody well see for themselves IT IS THERE RIGHT F***ING IN FRONT OF YOU DOCKED TAILS NO DAMAGE UNDOCKED TAILS BLEEDING TAILS. My wife has told me il end up having a heart attack over this if im not carefull.

I hope you can all write or e-mail your local msp tell your vet about your dogs tail damage .

Does anyone know what the shooting associations are doing about this ,it seems to have went very quiete.

Forgive the bad spelling.

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