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few pics

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heres my saluki grey whippet grey, a put a picture up when it was a pup. few pics just to show u her now, thats her 12months old. shes doing well. great on rabbits but still learning. first pic is when it was 14 weeks old. cheers




Edited by poacherman
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heres my saluki grey whippet grey, a put a picture up when it was a pup. few pics just to show u her now, thats her 12months old. shes doing well. great on rabbits but still learning. first pic is when it was 14 weeks old. cheers

nice looking bitch that mate,ive got a pup in a litter now that i think will end up looking very much like her!

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cheers mate, shes just 22 inches. was out yesterday with her bolting rabbits with the ferret. we jumped over the fence in to another farm. put the ferret down the hole and the farmer was out like a raging bull. marching right down to us. he was shouting get urselfs to f**k but we couldnt move because the ferret was down. so the farmer came over and he was asking us what we were doing so we said sorry and ma friend says your better being quiet so we can get the ferret out quicker. next minute a rabbits bolted, wee dogs got straight on it and what a catch. the farmer ended up laughing. dog came bk with the rabbit and a sat her back down. another rabbit came out same again dog took of and got it. she done me proud. we asked the farmer if we could come back on but he said no but went away with a smile on his face


atb mate

Edited by poacherman
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