undisputed 1,664 Posted January 9, 2010 Report Share Posted January 9, 2010 On 09/01/2010 at 11:51, poacher3161 said: On 09/01/2010 at 11:08, droid said: On 09/01/2010 at 10:51, mushroom said: On 09/01/2010 at 10:48, droid said: Usual faces, usual bollocks. Tell you what. You come up here and tell that to my mate and his family and see what happens. So if the c**ts who did that were Geordies, would you be anti-Geordie? Race and religion is irrelevent in a case like that and you demean the seriousness of it by using it in the way you do. MUSLIM religion is a cult that worships a peodophile i though somebody like you would have read the koran Can you even read??? Link to post Share on other sites
poacher3161 1,766 Posted January 9, 2010 Report Share Posted January 9, 2010 On 09/01/2010 at 12:04, undisputed said: On 09/01/2010 at 11:51, poacher3161 said: On 09/01/2010 at 11:08, droid said: On 09/01/2010 at 10:51, mushroom said: On 09/01/2010 at 10:48, droid said: Usual faces, usual bollocks. Tell you what. You come up here and tell that to my mate and his family and see what happens. So if the c**ts who did that were Geordies, would you be anti-Geordie? Race and religion is irrelevent in a case like that and you demean the seriousness of it by using it in the way you do. MUSLIM religion is a cult that worships a peodophile i though somebody like you would have read the koran Can you even read??? YES very well though my spelling is very bad but i dont believe a lot of wat i read more of wat i see like muslim peodos operating in my town Link to post Share on other sites
undisputed 1,664 Posted January 9, 2010 Report Share Posted January 9, 2010 On 09/01/2010 at 07:58, BULLDOUG said: On 09/01/2010 at 07:36, Strong Stuff said: "the rape victim, a pretty Muslim of Pakistani descent" She wasn't "British", but was actually a PAKI who just happened to have a British passport. So maybe as far as the waiter knew, he was raping "one of his own". Unlucky on his part that she turned out to have been privileged enough to be travelling on a British passport. She wasn't British, how can a Paki (or indeed a muslim) ever be British? Treacherous Scum like undisputed above always try and point out that "it was people like you lot who helped Hitler along" and try to villify those who object to the filthy pig fuckers taking over, people like him are no more than race traitors and should be treated with the contempt they deserve. Seems there are plenty already ready to stand up for themselves and their heritage and culture, with an ever growing following each day. It will be simple actions that eventually drive the false God worshipping filth from our lands, simple actions like not trading with them or supporting their businesses, not acknowledging them as equal, they are after all here only because we tolerate them, stop giving them money and respect and they will go. And if they don't ........................... THEN BURN THEM. Youve hit the nail well and truly on the head buddy. This is the general section of a working mans forum, if you dont like it dont read it. Undisputed, its people like you who have ruined this country, you are pig ignorant, you may have a cushy life but will your children?? or do you not have any?? See im a father and a quite young one at that so it disturbs me greatly that Muslim extremists are allowed to recruit people to attack us and our government seem to encourage this. I am so glad you are a minority on this site because as i say im still a young father and the change in this country over the last 25 years is shocking, im not about to sit still and wait for the next 25 to pass me by. NO SURRENDER!!! See you cant even make up your mind ...now its my fault the country's in a mess...not the Muslims....Extremists you dont even see the irony of that statement.....As someone has already pointed out if your so against the extremists why not join the army and help the troops....or is throwing stones and terrorising someone cause theyre different a bit easier for you....and nobody will laugh when you run away...real heroes eh! Link to post Share on other sites
twobob 1,497 Posted January 9, 2010 Report Share Posted January 9, 2010 On 09/01/2010 at 06:40, undisputed said: Jeeeeeez these threads dont half throw up some rabid shite...it's the usual suspects that start all this pish and just because you get half a dozen folk agreeing with you you think you have a platform to spew your bile. Its about time the mods put an end to this shite instead of condoning it....and before the shit starts flying again ....I dont think that mob should be allowed to protest about the soldiers....but you fuckers arn't any better a bigot's a bigot no matter what colour you are.....These threads do far more damage to this site than any pictures of dead animals and the sad thing is its tolerated....lot of similarities between these threads and how the jews were viewed by the nazi's....hey maybe thats whats needed fellahs ...fire the ovens and lets have us a few bar-b-q's .....and for all you crusaders that plan to go forth and battle the Muslim hordes instead of three lions on a shirt why not wave a THL banner so we can actually see who has the courage to match their convictions on the telly, according to some there's thousands of you....I think you'll be lucky to get 3 - 4 :crazy: :nea: You are no better,who are you to suggest whats discussed on here, hypocrite and prick spring to mind! Link to post Share on other sites
steveS.Yorks 161 Posted January 9, 2010 Report Share Posted January 9, 2010 It doesnt take a lot of noticeing that most people who are posting anti muslim comments live in areas with high muslim populations? Yorks,Lanks,Midlands,ect. It would be interesting to know where the pro muslim people live and do you have any first hand experiance of muslims? Theres good and bad people in every race religion,no doubt about that,but even the moderatly intellegent person should realise our PC,pro equality,politicians are defending an ideology that discriminates very harshly against women and [female]children,seems a bit hypocritical to me? The barbaric teachings and customs followed by muslims do not fit in with our society,we are far more advanced,yet when we complain that our politicians are trying to drag us backwards we are called racists,funny that because islam is not a race,islamophobic[normal human]would be more accurate. And while im at it,where are all the bra burning "womens libbers" in all this? surely women forced to wear a Burqua should be getting their support? Link to post Share on other sites
Strong Stuff 2,171 Posted January 9, 2010 Report Share Posted January 9, 2010 On 09/01/2010 at 12:02, undisputed said: On 09/01/2010 at 07:46, rob.i said: False God as opposed to ? Strong Puff only prays to one God and he wears a bowler hat and orange sunglasses I rest my case Muppet! Says the statue worshipper!!!! Go and ask the priest to give you a tickle you tit Link to post Share on other sites
Catcher 1 639 Posted January 9, 2010 Report Share Posted January 9, 2010 On 09/01/2010 at 17:18, Strong Stuff said: On 09/01/2010 at 12:02, undisputed said: On 09/01/2010 at 07:46, rob.i said: False God as opposed to ? Strong Puff only prays to one God and he wears a bowler hat and orange sunglasses I rest my case Muppet! Says the statue worshipper!!!! Go and ask the priest to give you a tickle you tit Only one reply to that.Cheers to the little gentleman in black velvet Link to post Share on other sites
undisputed 1,664 Posted January 9, 2010 Report Share Posted January 9, 2010 On 09/01/2010 at 17:18, Strong Stuff said: On 09/01/2010 at 12:02, undisputed said: On 09/01/2010 at 07:46, rob.i said: False God as opposed to ? Strong Puff only prays to one God and he wears a bowler hat and orange sunglasses I rest my case Muppet! Says the statue worshipper!!!! Go and ask the priest to give you a tickle you tit And why dont you ask your maw and sister to tickle yours...bawbag! Link to post Share on other sites
arnieboy 93 Posted January 9, 2010 Report Share Posted January 9, 2010 undisputed what dealings do you have with muslims? how many no go areas do you have round by you? how do you class a racist? i apparantly am a racist because i dont want to have anything to do with the muslims in my country i wish they would all go acorrding to there own leaders we are scum how can you respect someone that is taught you are scum????????????? Link to post Share on other sites
fozzy41 9 Posted January 9, 2010 Report Share Posted January 9, 2010 I live in South Yorkshire and to be fair exactly where i live there aint too many niggers or pakis but when i go to work in Rotherham its like spot the white man. I had to laugh the other night whilst watching ITV with a 2 night item about ASBOs. On it were 2 sisters whom lived on an estate in Doncaster and were getting hell from the family across the road whom had 4 ASBOs between them and there were only 4 people in the family. When ITV interviewed the the head of South Yorkshire police he came up with all sorts of shite about what they were doing. Basically they can do f***all because this government signed the right to do anything away when they signed the hated human rights act. This got me wondering, IF the same 2 sisters had been niggers or pakis i know for sure without a shadow of a doubt that the offending family would have been arrested and locked up, simply because the 2 sisters would have claimed racism against them. fozzy Link to post Share on other sites
rushty 1 Posted January 9, 2010 Report Share Posted January 9, 2010 I have been reading this thread with great interest. You cant blame people for reacting to the likes of Chowdry and his puppets in the manner that they do. I am no BNP voter but some of what they say makes my body tingle with patrionism where as other stuff makes me cringe with shame. I personally believe this country is f,cked, as with many more European countries but this one in particular.We seem to be the laughing stock and well do theese people like Chowdry know it. I remember the Argies , after the Falklands war ended , stating that they thought the Brits werent interested in the Islands because of the lack of attention being displayed by Britain while noises in Argentina were being made about re-patronisation etc. If we let theese people like Chowdry take the p1ss then there next move will be to shit on us. How unbelievable that he can be allowed to protest while our brave lads are giving there everything including their lives and the consequences of their loving families heartache. If our forefathers could have seen in to the future I dare bet they wouldnt have bothered their arses while stuck in some filthy , rat infested pig hole of a trench while their comrades lay dying while fighting for the protection of their country. Its time this country started to look after its own and pack the politically correct shit back into some of the do gooders bags from where it came in the first place. "Long live Great Britain" , I wish those words meant a lot to me but I feel we are sinking into the mire.... rapidly. Link to post Share on other sites
Catcher 1 639 Posted January 9, 2010 Report Share Posted January 9, 2010 On 09/01/2010 at 20:21, BULLDOUG said: THERES A SECTION HERE TO DISCUSS ALL HUNTING ISSUES, THIS IS THE GENERAL SECTION TO DISCUSS GENERAL STUFF. SORRY IF THE STUFF A LOT OF US ARE DISCUSSING DOESNT SUIT EVERYONE, BUT YOU DO HAVE A CHOICE AS TO READ IT OR NOT. DROID AKA R2D2, IF YOU KNOW ITS THE USUAL SUSPECTS THEN WHY READ?? NO SURRENDER. See we have gone the full circle to no surrender.You should know what this means TO the little black man in velvet.If not forget no surrender. Link to post Share on other sites
bouncer 51 Posted January 9, 2010 Report Share Posted January 9, 2010 well spoken strong stuff. undisputed sounds like a paki lover. Link to post Share on other sites
Strong Stuff 2,171 Posted January 9, 2010 Report Share Posted January 9, 2010 On 09/01/2010 at 20:32, Catcher 1 said: On 09/01/2010 at 20:21, BULLDOUG said: THERES A SECTION HERE TO DISCUSS ALL HUNTING ISSUES, THIS IS THE GENERAL SECTION TO DISCUSS GENERAL STUFF. SORRY IF THE STUFF A LOT OF US ARE DISCUSSING DOESNT SUIT EVERYONE, BUT YOU DO HAVE A CHOICE AS TO READ IT OR NOT. DROID AKA R2D2, IF YOU KNOW ITS THE USUAL SUSPECTS THEN WHY READ?? NO SURRENDER. See we have gone the full circle to no surrender.You should know what this means TO the little black man in velvet.If not forget no surrender. I know exactly who you're toasting, that'd be the mole who's molehill caused King William to fall off his horse. I am also one of those who's motto is No Surrender, actually a different organisation to the Loyal Orange Institution, "LOYAL" being the important bit, unlike some slimy sewer dwelling race traitors that seem to pop up on here from time to time. Link to post Share on other sites
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