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Do you remember the first time.

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What was the story of you first kill, proprer legal quarry, not just a sparrow in the garden, I remember mine as if it was yeasterday even thou it was about 10 years ago. It was a september evening, i was 14 just gone back to school. Was in the garden plinking and was hitting my lttle spinning target considently from about 30 foot, So I thought I'd take a little walk over to the field where i had my ferreting permission. Got to the gate saw 3 rabbits sitting half way down to the back of the field, hop the gate walk slowly down the hedge half way then crouched down for the final 20 yards or so, then in the prone postion moved another 10 feet or so about 25 feet all rabbits still out, I felt very impressed by my own stelth! then put my sights on the closest rabbit, head shot, bam, rabbit back flipped about half a metre in the air, perfect head shot just behind the ears again impressed myself, grabbed it and ran home to show my Dad and that gave me the air gun bug!! what got everyone else hooked then?

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mine was a september evening it had been raining all day. i had been in from school about a hour when my dad came in from work and he said " c'mon well take the dogs for a walk with ur gun" so we got to the field. the dogs sacared all the rabbits into the cover. so my dad positioned my at the bottom of the bushes. he took the dogs to the top of the hill and walked towards me. rabbits started to come towards me. the first rabbit i saw hopped throught the fence to my left. then 1 appeared infront of me. i knew form reading a article in the airgunner nag to hit a rabbit at the base of the ear for a brain kill. i aimed for the head and pulled the trigger. i saw the rabbit drop and it was havin mussle spazems. i jumped up ran up the hill reloaded my gun but as i did so my dad appeared and stopped my taken im 2nd shot to kill it. i bent down and picked the rabbit up by the back legs. the rabbit moved again as it did i jumped and dropped it. i took it home gutted it and fed it to my ferret. iv been hooked ever scince (about 2 years)

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Hi e2000,


Mine was when I was 13 or 14 when I first started playing around with air rifles buddy.


I had a Relum Tornado I think it was called, (cant quite remember) with a 4x20 scope, but anyway I was plinking targets in the back garden of my grandmas old house when at about 10 to 15 metres a feral pigeon landed on her shed roof.


She was always moaning about the pigeons messing everywhere and wanted them getting rid of as she used to put it.


I sat down at her garden table and rested the rifle as steady as I could before gently squeezing the trigger while trying not to shake with excitement at seeing what would happen if I hit it.


I aimed for the biggest part of the bird (its body) and was amazed as the pellet struck it cleanly knocking it stone dead on the shed roof.


That’s one of my first memories



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