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Islam4UK through Wooten Bassett

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i can not belive that islam4uk is planning on having a march through Wooten Bassett what the f**k is going on it is almost beyound words



What is going on buddy is Islam extremists are recruiting in our schools in our prisons in our uni's in there mosques and they are now being treated as first class citezens because of there voting paper. We as a Nation are happy for them to do so because we have warmth food and money, so it doesnt matter.


Funny thing is the do good mother fookers who struggle to listen to the ones standing up to theese scummy beasts will be the first asking us to deffend when the shit hits the fan.


Sharia law will never prevail whilst people of our great nation are willing to fight.

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Run the b*****ds out I say, we held a street pary at christam for the kids on our street and we run into trouble with two of the black families who live on the road, they insisted on havin a balck santa deliver the presents to the street, guess which kids never got presents :thumbs:

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there is 7 in court in luton at the moment for protesting solgers in luton march

when they appeared in cort they would not stand up when the juge enterd they said it was against religon to stand befor enyone the juge said ok but please stand to give evidence we woul;d be in contempt of court for that :censored:

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I just hope everybody on here who is moaning about is actually willing to go to wooton bassett and prevent them from marching. Its a four hour journey for me. I will be there. I just hope others do the same insted of doing the typical modern british thing and making excuses, oh its too far, i've got work, who will mind the kids. If you want to be there you will! If not your best getting a copy of the quaran now.

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