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Are there any laws

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I know this might come across a stupid question but i dun deal much with ferrets etc, previously owned some but never really read up about them so dun know alot about them.


I have a live trap set an every evening the trap would be set but nothing in there. Just found out today that there has been a wild polecat (big fiesty bugga) settin it off.


Are there any laws about hunting or killin these or mink? I know its a stupid question but I gotta ask cause i honestly dun know.



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just done abit of revision now as per usual the government has no idea what it is doing and has made this bit of legislation


"The polecat is listed in schedule 6 of the 1981 Wildlife & Countryside Act, and Schedule 3 of the 1994 Conservation Regulations.


Under these laws, certain methods of taking wild polecats are prohibited.


These Acts prohibit the deliberate or intentional setting of traps, snares and so on for polecats without a licence. "


although if you accidentally trap one whilst trapping vermin or a pest i.e mink. then yes you can kill it using a suitable firearm


hope this helps



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Just found this Q & A on a shooting site, pretty much whats already been said,


I read that it is unlawful to deliberately catch, kill or take wild polecats. I am confused as I think the 1981 Wildlife & Countryside Act provides limited protection for polecats in Schedule 6? Please can you clarify this?




The polecat is listed in schedule 6 of the 1981 Wildlife & Countryside Act, and Schedule 3 of the 1994 Conservation Regulations.


Under these laws, certain methods of taking wild polecats are prohibited.


These Acts prohibit the deliberate or intentional setting of traps, snares and so on for polecats without a licence. Where traps are set for other (pest) species, the 1981 Wildlife & Countryside Act requires that reasonable precautions to prevent injury thereby to any wild animals included in Schedule 6. Regulation 41 of the 1994 Conservation Regulations prohibits the use of traps that are non-selective according to their principle or conditions of use for taking or killing of protected animals, including the polecat.


In addition, the 1995 Spring Traps Approval Order specifically excludes the use of spring traps for the capture of any species listed in Schedules 5 and 6 of the 1994 Wildlife & Countryside Act.


It is legal to shoot polecats with appropriate firearms, and there appears to be no lawful reason why polecats (harmed or otherwise) caught in traps cannot be shot or kept in captivity. All in all, a confusing state of affairs.


Without having any dealings myself, with wild polecats and not looking in to it deeply enough to deciepher the legislation, i wouldnt know what to advise, other than if you trap one, deal with it as you see fit and keep it to yourself.


Mink on the other hand, if trapped must be despatched, Humaneley, it is an offence to have a live mink in your possession.


What makes you think you are dealing with a polecat or a mink and its not a ferral ferret?

Secondly if your setting a cage and it keeps getting sprung, with no catch, either your setting technique is no good or the cage isnt up to much, or it could be a stoat and its simply just slipping through the mesh. How big are the meshes/squares on the cage.


Explain how this big fiesty bugga is setting your trap off

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