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Scope Recommendations?

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OK Lads...


You have £250 burning a hole in your pocket and You're after the best available quality scope for the price!! what would you go for Purely from a Field/Hunting point of view? :hmm:.


personaly I like something that starts with a fairly low variable Mag and go from there.....





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  On 05/01/2010 at 17:20, bedrock said:

MTC optics.

Good clear quality and value for money I know lads who use them for their rimmys and centerfires with no problems they even through in a few freebees like mounts and a sun shade. :thumbs:



Nice one Bedrock they look a decent scope :thumbs:


It makes me laugh as most of the scopes these days I have never heard off!! showing my age mate :whistling:....


a decent Variable low Mag scope that perhaps drops below X3 would do me fine! all these big magnifications these days for Air Rifles is way over the top in the field, not ony do they magnify the Traget but they also show up and movement in the gun expecially when shooting free hand, I also like the low mag scopes as thet gather more light when needed....





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hi jasper

i also use MTC optics, a MAMBA 3-12X44 SCB, they are crystal clear and as said before.you also get a sun shade and mounts and metal flip up covers.also having the side focus is nice too,theses are also good in low light.my next scope will be a MTC too!


also check these out very similar http://www.jsramsbot.../SM_leapers.HTM





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Cheers all for the help :thumbs:.


Been doing some homework on scopes within a certain price range but yet to take a look through some first, I have to agree with Wuzzy <although I know nothing about the MTC range of scopes> some different scopes I have looked through in the past had pretty thick recticles which I didn't like one bit!! going back to the Tasco days I had a old World Class job 3.5-10x50 and a pal had a identicle Simmons! to be honest I would have had the Tasco anyday with its better field of view and the nice thin 30/30 recticle compared to the Simmons....


I need to take a look at a few I think because I'm a bit of a blar arse if its not up to scratch ;). Just out of Interest has anyone tried the Nikkon jobs? I've been reading up on them on the net and they sound a decent package and been tested to the limits from being dropped in freezing water for a day and taken to the oposite end of the scale ands even thrown about a bit and still came out of it unscathed, they do one at the cheaper end called the "Prostaff", anyone got any info on them?





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  On 10/01/2010 at 11:31, SEAN3513 said:


You're a star Sean :thumbs:.


cheers Pal the right up did them justice by the sounds of it! the way I look at it they make good Camera's so the scope optics must be spot on......





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