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NOW, before i start , i want to say i do not believe in this dog whispering crack, to me a dog is a dog , and a human is a human , about a month or so back ,there was a chap , on about the art off training a lurcher in the CMW, now a lot off what he said was commonsense, but also there was to me a overkill ,off him training his pups ,roughly in the way off a dog whisperer, about 3 years ago this chap ask me how i got my dogs to retrieve so positive , i told him what to do ,and later on he won obediances and a field trial with his dog, a very goog working dog i must add, but i can be honest and say i never whispered in his ear that day.


NOW what a say now ,might contradict the statement above , but this was a much stranger event, and this is TRUE , and if i had heard this off anyone else , i would smile and think off the LASSIE SYNDROME.


I would say this was about 25years ago, i was at the time a bricklayer working on the severn and trent sewage farm, now this place is a vast complex , filtering plants ,cleaning beds, and acres off scrubland and banks , just bubbling with rabbits ,so the job was to me a pleasure to behold, now i used to go in early most mornings to check my snares , and at the same time ,gave me a opportunity to move them in rotation , a bit like farming i would say, well one morning about 6am i had just walked through the gates ,when one of the night shift operators came running up to me, he told me to follow him quickly, as he thought a dog had fell in one off the water tunnels that led to the filters, when i got to the place there was a other worker ,who shouted hurry up, i looked down and what a mess , i could just see what i thought was a small terriers head sticking above a sheet that just looked the worse slime you could imagine, i said how long as this dog been here ,he said they had heard whimpering a few hours ago ,how this dog had stay afloat is behond my thinking , i said why have you not tried to pull it out ,they said they were a bit unsure wether it would bite them , i flung my coat off ,and looking down , realised it was about 3ft drop before i could reach the dog ,so i said to the lads ,hold my legs and lower me down, this they did and bit by bit i edged closer to the head, i managed to grab the dogs head then i said pull, this they did, and to my surprise i found i could hardly shift the poor mutt, i shouted how deep is this mess ,i can hardly budge the dog ,they shouted back, its only a skim off mushy slime a foot deep the rest is only water, so there i am pulling the dog ,with hardly a give either way ,and i,m starting to sweat abit, you know ,what if the bxstards let go , then all of a sudden the body of the dog started coming ,it got bigger and bigger , and then i realised this was just the head coming to light, pull i shouted and by then i had the poor lad by its ears ,thats all i could cling to, then we started to get airborn ,for christ sake it was a monster, the lads give them thier do ,they pulled thier hearts out ,and all off a sudden the slime seemed to give up the ghost ,and now i was being pulled up like a cork flying out off a champers bottle ,well not that fast , i had now got the dog on to the ledge ,and there it lay on its side, it was massive, i just sat there a moment ,getting my breath back, not believeing how this dog had managed to stay afloat, i got to my senses and said to the lads get some buckets off warm water, and a cloth so i could clean the dog up ,well when they came back, i started washing the dog , all the time it lay there ,slowly i turned it over, and started cleaning as fast as i could, then i started to rub it down ,and bit by bit infront off my eye,s was shaping one off the best looking alsations i,ve ever seen ,it was like a timber wolf, it really looked a hard dog, then it started to rise ,the men started to back peddle, i said your alright it won,t hurt you, they still backpeddle, the dog just stood there, but the strangest off things ,it never took its eye,s off me , it just stared away, then it started to move towards me ,a bit shaky at first , then it came and rest its head in my hands, it was a beauty, about 27inch to the shoulder, muscled like a dog you would not mess with, i said to the chaps come and stroke the dog ,but as soon as they came close it gave the lowest growl i,ve ever heard ,one off them said i think its took to you , i thought you had better believe it ,i had plans already running my head, i beckoned the dog to follow, and he did , slowly i walk towards the snares i had set ,i had to check them , slowly the dog picked up pace ,and by the time i had collected any rabbits i had caught, and reset the snares ,the dog was moving like nothing had happened to it, now all the time i was with the dog ,i had notice the mark around its neck were a collar or chain had been, so i sumised it was a guard dog perhaps in a scrapyard or factory, anyway i got back to the canteen ,where JIM the gerdener was waiting for me, but as soon as he clasp eye,s on the dog at my side ,he ran in the canteen and shut the door, he opened a window ,and said please don,t bring it in here , then asked for me to pass what rabbits i had caught to him, he gave mr 50 pence a rabbit, so this i did ,noticing at the same time ,the low rumbling growl coming from the dog ,i was loving it, then i walked over to my cabin ,sat down and gave the dog all my lunch, i think it was a bit hungry because it seemed to only open its jaws a couple off time and all my lunch vanished, then i gave it a drink of milk , and then i walked up on top off one off the towers ,just looking around planning what i would do with my new dog ,who by now i was going to keep him, i just stood for ages dozing and thinking , just idleing away waiting for the phone to ring, to say if there was a job anywhere for me to go to, thats what i liked about this job ,at least you could have plenty off time to yourself , all off a sudden the dog nudged me ,i looked around ,and the dog raised its self on to its back legs ,looked me square in the eye,s gave one lick on my face , and dropped turned and loped away, i called him ,he never look around i kept calling till he vanished from view, then i just stood there gutted ,there was some thing special about that dog ,some thing i wanted, some thing i needed ,but i knew it was not to be ,he had a purpose he was looking for some one , some lucky guy or gal, i will swear on my familys life this is a true story, and if anyone had said to me ,what i have just written to here, i would never believe it in a million years, so i will not be surprised if there are doubts about what i have just related to you, but i know and thats all what matters , the only thing i cannot grasped ,is what was the dog saying to me ,in that stare.

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He owed you one... :friends:

Nice story learner, its always good looking back at things that seem to stick in your mind...I wonder, what if, etc..somethings we will never know..

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