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My First Kill!

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Me and my dad were doing a bit of target practice today in my backgarden and a magpie came a flew about 25yds away onto on a high tree. It was a perfect chance to see how good my new rifle was so...BANG! :gunsmilie:


I got it straight in the chest and it crashed straight to the ground. I was suprised that it was still alive which i was really pissed off about as i have always said that you should always have a clean kill. So i shot again and hit it in the same area and then nerves kicked in and so i gave one final shot to the head. I was happy that i got my first kill but i didnt like that it wasnt completely clean :doh: . Anyways later i checked the kill and it had been taken by a fox or cat.(Loads in my area).





P.S couldnt get a photo it landed in a awkward place.( My air rifle is a Crosman Phantom 1000.)

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well done buddy

and don't be to hard on your self as it happens to the best of us. and happy hunting matey keep up the good work. my son comes out with me but his using a 410 shotgun for short range rabbits and he got his first kill a few weeks ago and he thought the rabbit was still alive but it was nerves kicking about so he shot it again bless him he was deverstated that it was alive but once i showed him that it was dead he was fine it takes time buddy and like all dads feel when there son's or little girls come out with them PROUD as punch.



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Like others have said, it happens to the best of us (I've had the odd non kill 1st shot :icon_redface: )


But ALWAYS go for the head as your 1st aim point :thumbs:


That way you miss, then you may get lucky and hit its neck (which will probably result in a clean kill anyway).

If it goes high, it will miss cleanly and you get another shot another time :victory: .



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congratulations !!!! you will remember that magpie forever matey :thumbs: magies have a big breast bone like pigeons and take some dropping so its either head or between the shoulders and they drop like a stone :boogie: good start to the new year may they be plenty more



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