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Alkaline or Silver oxide?

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Hello. Can anyone let me know wether the mk3 collars take alkaline or silver oxide batteries? It seems Ive brought a load of duff batteries. The ones I have brought were alkaline. I dont know whether they are duff bateries or the wrong sort. I know it seems obvious to get the oxide ones but this batch of alkalines could just be shit and they are the right type so I dont want to order until I am sure.


Never really paid any attention to the ones Ive got before so Ive either been lucky and got the right ones everytime or it dosent matter?





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In theory silver oxide batteries are superior to alkaline ones and will last longer.


The important part to look at is the mAh capacity rating of the battery. The higher the mAh the longer they will last.


Your collars will need 393 type batteries. I suspect you either got a doggy batch of batteries or brought a different brand to usual that had a very low mAh rating.

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