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hello there people.


i have almost zeroed my smk 4x40 scope on a .22 smk 19-18 rifle at 30 yards. needs a bit more work as im only shooting 3" groups at that range.


anyway, my question is, a lot of people prefer fixed over variable but i cant see why as its very hard for me to see the target at 30 yards, so why do some people prefer it?


i used my friends variable and it seems so much easier. i would just like some info before i buy so any help is much appreciated.


will be used for target shooting but mainly for small game.


cheers, jerome

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Well a good fixed scope usually costs less than a good variable scope. Mine is variable but I only ever use four times mag. Would have bought fixed mag if there was one. With higher magnification every little wobble seems like an earth quake and its difficult to see close up targets properly through a high magnification. Higher magnification can also cause eye strain.

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cheers for the reply edgar.


definitely some valid points there. i guess it would be a lot cheaper for a fixed scope and never really thought about eye strain.

i still don't fully understand as to how people see the targets so far away with a 4x because it really does't feel precise enough.

thank you for your help, i guess the only is to look through various scopes and decide.





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Just a quick note on your first point.... group sizes are irrelevant on whether or not your gun is zeroed. You should still be punching 1" groups (albiet a little bit away from the zero on the target.


One of the things I have to keep telling myself is to NOT compensate for the shot until I'm fully zeroed

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i still don't fully understand as to how people see the targets so far away with a 4x because it really does't feel precise enough.


Maybe your problem regarding the 4x mag is due to a thicker cross hair? Or it could be possible that 4x mag is not the same on every scope? I don't shoot live quarry past 35 yards. Decide what mag you are best of with and stick to it. Good luck.

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  On 04/01/2010 at 18:03, Edgar said:

i still don't fully understand as to how people see the targets so far away with a 4x because it really does't feel precise enough.


Maybe your problem regarding the 4x mag is due to a thicker cross hair? Or it could be possible that 4x mag is not the same on every scope? I don't shoot live quarry past 35 yards. Decide what mag you are best of with and stick to it. Good luck.


Horses for courses I suppose. I rarely have mine above 6x for live quarry. The problem with using a high magnification is that it takes too long to find the quarry in your sights. Also, you don't stand a chance of seeing any branches or other obstructions between you and the quarry.

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I wish I could find a good fixed 6x scope for a sensible price, 44 ish mm but I can't....


I've got zoom scopes on all my airguns but 6x is what they always stay at.




Edit... Field use. If it can go wrong, one day it will and also it can confuse folks with range-finding, mucking around with mags...

Edited by andyfr1968
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sorry, haven't been able to sign in. maybe the site was under construction?


anyway thanks for all the replies guys. its mil-dot and the crosshairs are quite thick come to think about it. could be the reason. wouldn't have thought 4x mag would be different on other scopes though.

i have decided just to go for a variable as i already have a fixed scope.

its funny you say that you like 6x mag because when iv used my friends, i generally stay on 6 too.


changing the subject a little, its about time i got a decent gun and i have got my heart set on either a second hand tx200 mk3, hc or pro sport from my girlfriend for my birthday :) dont particularly care which one, just depends what good deals i can find. and i will make sure it comes with a variable scope.


cheers everybody



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