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nothad her up to vets yet no, the swellings gone right down and so her gut, a dont understand her shes started eating again and going back to her normal self, but shes still goin to the vets later on tho got to be sure of whats going on,

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are you for real mate! i dont deserve a dog, who are u like the rspca, how would you know i havent had her at the vets just coz i said i hadnt earlier? the vets dont open till 6 at night, check what time that other post was made, and i said i hadnt had her there YET, and by the way, i put this topic up to ask opinions and for advice not for you to judge wehter or not i should or shouldnt have a dog, sorry mate but i dont like being told i cant have the most preciouse thing ive got, i would do nything for that dog mate many times ive spent my last pounds feeding her and ive gone without, i would rather starve than her go without, sorry to ome across a it aggravated BUT i cant belive some one who dosent no me or hasnt met me can say i dont deserve a dog

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you asked for opinions and advice and the general concensus was that you should take it to the vet ..possible pregnancy ..possible phantom ...could be anything womb infection vulval infection and you chose to ignore it all ..now your on here saying its got a discharge ..almost laughable if it wasn't so sad for the dog ...if your vet doesn't open until 6pm ( find that hard to believe after 6pm mine will neck you £30 for either a call out charge or open the surgery charge) it will be 48 hours since you asked for advice ..if there is anything wrong its looking downhill for the dog

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listen buddy, i dont have to answer to you or anybody else on here, im sure you would feel the same if someone whos never spoke to or met you was telling you that you didnt deserve a dog,the dogs been to the vets and she had a blockage in her bowels, the vets gave her some shit to get it moving and its done its job as there is now dog shit all over the garden, so lucky me gets the job of cleaning that 1 up, shes eating like normal, and acting herself, so heres hoping the dog is back to normal or good, she has to go back to the vet in 2 days to make sure the blockage has gone, so thanks for your opinions and advice, but mate i wouldnt dream of telling any body they dont deserve a dog unless i had seen the dog dog in a severe state of health, and you havent seen mine, so you dont preserve the right to tell me wether i do or do not deserve MY dog,

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