John Keswick 119 Posted January 4, 2010 Report Share Posted January 4, 2010 There you go, the power of facebook when everyone works together. The islam site has gone down LMFAO Quote Link to post Share on other sites
phantomflanflinger 24 Posted January 4, 2010 Report Share Posted January 4, 2010 E.D.L. why not british D.L. give us welsh irish and scots a look in, i am concerned a lot of us will not support anything just for english well said , its the British army this rag head scum are having a go at this nation owes a dept to all four home nations regiments and those men of the Commonwealth,who have took the qeens shilling 14 guests Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Ogi73 0 Posted January 4, 2010 Report Share Posted January 4, 2010 Can't speak for other trade unionists or UaF, but if the residents called a counter demo to Choudry and it wasn't a BNP/EDL front I would be happy to join it, I hate all kinds of religious extremism. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Fortunate son 0 Posted January 4, 2010 Report Share Posted January 4, 2010 Personally Id let them hold it but be given no publicity at all,the press should not report it ,they thrive on publicity angry confrontration by starving them of publicity, confrontration for this is why there attempting to hold it there... will be the opposite to the result they need and succur there idiotic attempt of gaining more oxgygen...Also the residents of this village should turn out and turn there backs as they walk past.... Quote Link to post Share on other sites
twobob 1,497 Posted January 4, 2010 Report Share Posted January 4, 2010 They should not be allowed to march and if any turn up they should be depported the bunch of soap dodging BXXXXXDS Quote Link to post Share on other sites
BULLDOUG 199 Posted January 4, 2010 Report Share Posted January 4, 2010 Scummy sweaty b*****d. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
BULLDOUG 199 Posted January 4, 2010 Report Share Posted January 4, 2010 slimy feckers 200,000 users on facebook objected to the march lets just hope the rest a the population see's what these feckers are realy like Heres hoping, great stunt, we're getting stronger Quote Link to post Share on other sites
archie 3 Posted January 5, 2010 Report Share Posted January 5, 2010 Im struggling to see where the BNP have said they would pull our troops from all over the world?? The BNP would invest in industry (somthing that made our country great in the first place) They would invest in research so not only do we make cars but we make cars that can compete with German cars and Japanese cars. How much of our country has been sold abroad?? HELLO?? ANYONE AT HOME?? Now my brother died at the age of 23 (god bless him) he was my very best friend in the world, i spent 4 weeks taking him to see foreign doctors who sent him away with head ache pills, so then i took him "REPEATEDLEY" to the emergency department at our local hospital, where the almost English speaking doctors also said it was migrane and sent him home time after time with migralieve. He died 4 weeks into his suffering with a brain anurism. It was proven in court that this was neglect and my brother could have been saved and that a previous list of cases were already in court with the exact same problem. A year later my sister who also started feeling unwell was taken to the docs (paki b*****ds) and told she was suffering stress (after the loss of my bro) my mom wouldnt take this as gospel so she hounded them and hounded them (to no evail) so again she went to hospital and was given valium for stress. Surprise surprise she ended up a cabbage and was like a baby again, she was in a top hospital for six months and then had to learn everything again like a baby. She was pregnant when taken ill and the docs gave her an overdose (causing her to give birth in her state 2 months early) I thank God alone that my sister is still with me now and shes learnt (by herself) to live again. But as you can see the foreign doctors are doing no favours to the white man and only a fool would see otherwise, dont you fooking see these foreign c**ts dispise us and only want our land in the long haul. We "DO NOT GET FAIR TREATMENT" IN THIS COUNTRY.. Teach British kids to become the doctors of our future, teach British kids to build an industry that is not in existence today. teach British kids to put the great back into Britain. In doing this there will be a reduction in crime. Under the BNP there would be little tollerence for criminals, there would be death sentences for peodo's and sex pests, there would be no room for treason. While we are on the subjest, who do you think we should vote for and what do you see them doing for our country as IMO you must be of an opinion seeing your looking into the BNP policies??? VOTE BNP, I KNOW I WILL. :notworthy: :notworthy: TOO TRUE ill be voteing BNP they cant f**k this country up any more than the spineless wankers that are running it now.At least the BNP have the balls to stand up for our country and its people. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
parkstone 24 Posted January 5, 2010 Report Share Posted January 5, 2010 Round them up and ship them out, if they love their home country so much let them go back to it rather than Screwing our benifits system. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
carp777 191 Posted January 5, 2010 Report Share Posted January 5, 2010 Round them up and ship them out, if they love their home country so much let them go back to it rather than Screwing our benifits system. well said simple solution how can you fight a war when you've got the enemy within, we should give them all two choice's go home, or as in other war's internment Quote Link to post Share on other sites
BULLDOUG 199 Posted January 5, 2010 Report Share Posted January 5, 2010 Round them up and ship them out, if they love their home country so much let them go back to it rather than Screwing our benifits system. well said simple solution how can you fight a war when you've got the enemy within, we should give them all two choice's go home, or as in other war's internment Not so simple as its us they dont like and our laws/religions, they want our land but for themselves to practise Sharia law here. The only guys i see fighting the Islamic extremists on our shores are the non political EDL. We will no longer let this go on un challenged. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
lee81 190 Posted January 6, 2010 Report Share Posted January 6, 2010 JOIN UP AND GO TO AFGAN WHEN THE MUSLIMS STAND AGIAINST US ARE HERE YOUR TALKING SHIT Quote Link to post Share on other sites
lee81 190 Posted January 6, 2010 Report Share Posted January 6, 2010 Firstly this topic shouldnt have been derailed like this as it cheapens the whole things. I was in RAF Lyneham about 6 months ago to carry my boss's coffin of the back of a plane. I was in Wooten Bassett with the rest of my Sqn when he was driven through with about 5 other lads bodies. But the best part is he was half Iraqi. My Sqn has about 3 fijians, about 5 carabeans and a ghannan in. There is a small contingeant of about 50 Gurkhas on my camp. Ive work with a couple of black Muslims in some of the Infantry regiments also. All these people would be banned from the country under the BNP. TBH i dont realy care either way about the BNP as there not likely to get in power. Youve said a few times "if you care get out on the street and fight". How about this mate. If you care get down the recruting office. Join the staffords and get your sen out to afgan and do your fighting there. My uncle was fairly active in the BNP till he saw them for what they were. I agree with some BNP policies, i recon immigration realy needs to be sorted but i cant for shame agree with a party that would have my mates who i know would fight for me (and me them) deported. If you care that much about the country then get your self around very council estate in this country and kick the lazy fat fuckers off there arse. If they were this countrys nurses, doctors, cleaners, builders, there wouldnt been an excuse for imigration. As i said i think its bad to derail this topic like it has been but im just replying to what ive read. I WILL DRIVE TO WOOTTEN BASSETT AND DO MY FIGHTING THERE Quote Link to post Share on other sites
wee gemm hunter 8 Posted January 6, 2010 Report Share Posted January 6, 2010 My take on this subject is, not every black ,brown,or yellow guy is a baddie, but what the government should do is issue a green card {as in America} to ALL foriegners going back two or three generations, stipulating they must have a job, they must abide by our laws, they must be able to speak the Queens English and if they don't comply ship them back to the country of their origin. I am Scottish and proud I am also British and proud, but my pride is being hurt by the way this government is treating us. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
bob.243 9,178 Posted January 6, 2010 Report Share Posted January 6, 2010 My take on this subject is, not every black ,brown,or yellow guy is a baddie, but what the government should do is issue a green card {as in America} to ALL foriegners going back two or three generations, stipulating they must have a job, they must abide by our laws, they must be able to speak the Queens English and if they don't comply ship them back to the country of their origin. I am Scottish and proud I am also British and proud, but my pride is being hurt by the way this government is treating us. Here here WGH Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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