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Poacher watch

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i wonder if we move into there countries will we get the same welcome hands opening up chip shops on every street corner ? i have been raised in a ruff area with 7 corner shops in a village/town thats 1 mile long by about 3/4 mile long there are more heroin addicts waiting outside the chemist for there meth than there are children in the nursary dont get me wrong i am out ferreting etc daily my brother and his mates dont get much hastle for lamping etc but it is getting worse even farmers dont want us walking over there land when we have permision on the farm next door i just cant see the justace drug dealers etc get comunity servace and a fine aslong as they are grassing someone else in and there are police squads out all over the country looking for bloody lampers :S where do they get it from . sorry im having a bit of a rant but i cant get out with the pup much in the snow incase he hurts himself and its pointless ferreting as the rabbits are just layn up so im stuck sitting with my mum watching 30 year old films and bloody soaps lol .


the plod need a good hard kick up the erse if they honestly think that lurcher man are more of a threat than the other stuff going on in this country some kill dear to feed themselfs and family and are chased and branded for it others are stabbing killing people with drugs etc and they are bloody let get on with it .

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i wonder if we move into there countries will we get the same welcome hands opening up chip shops on every street corner ? i have been raised in a ruff area with 7 corner shops in a village/town thats 1 mile long by about 3/4 mile long there are more heroin addicts waiting outside the chemist for there meth than there are children in the nursary dont get me wrong i am out ferreting etc daily my brother and his mates dont get much hastle for lamping etc but it is getting worse even farmers dont want us walking over there land when we have permision on the farm next door i just cant see the justace drug dealers etc get comunity servace and a fine aslong as they are grassing someone else in and there are police squads out all over the country looking for bloody lampers :S where do they get it from . sorry im having a bit of a rant but i cant get out with the pup much in the snow incase he hurts himself and its pointless ferreting as the rabbits are just layn up so im stuck sitting with my mum watching 30 year old films and bloody soaps lol .


the plod need a good hard kick up the erse if they honestly think that lurcher man are more of a threat than the other stuff going on in this country some kill dear to feed themselfs and family and are chased and branded for it others are stabbing killing people with drugs etc and they are bloody let get on with it .



fresh earth, i vote you to run england, you would do alot better job, :gunsmilie: , get on lad, ,

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lol i would be worse than bloody hitlar i think first thing i would do is send every single person who is not from at least 100 years worth of generations in our country out of our country i would demand all companies to employ local genuinly british people give all the genuine brits homes and stop this bullcrap of asda etc over powering local dairy and chicken farmers and make them buy there milk from these sort of places and a hell of alot more i would even say every city deserves a red light district haha minus all the drugs .



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wear a ski mask when going lamping ,that way if the coppers stop you just tell them your goin to rob a shop ,i reckon they would just leave you too it


:icon_eek::clapper::clapper: lol



:clapper::clapper: I had one in the car and got pulled when i was out lamping. When asked whats that for i responded "an armed blag" .. he was not impressed. Oh well only live once.

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''It seems that, somewhere along the line, priorities have become mixed up...... ''


Its simply because there is too much red tape. If you were a police man in charge of a unit, what would you rather do:-

1 - Fill in a mountain of paper work before atempting a drugs raid on a house where the occupants could be armed.

2- Drive around in the evening in your heated BMW looking for young lads to nick. Its a no brainer.


Same reason traffic police are fond of sitting with their feet up and the speed gun out.

I for one dont blame them, they are only doing their job. Its that useless scrote in 10 downing and his party of fcukwits that are to blame.


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''It seems that, somewhere along the line, priorities have become mixed up...... ''


Its simply because there is too much red tape. If you were a police man in charge of a unit, what would you rather do:-

1 - Fill in a mountain of paper work before atempting a drugs raid on a house where the occupants could be armed.

2- Drive around in the evening in your heated BMW looking for young lads to nick. Its a no brainer.


Same reason traffic police are fond of sitting with their feet up and the speed gun out.

I for one dont blame them, they are only doing their job. Its that useless scrote in 10 downing and his party of fcukwits that are to blame.


spot on :clapper::clapper::clapper:

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haha good one like personaly i couldnt give a toss if i had a bullx i would run wtf i wanted at the end of the day im 13 what other than a slap on the wrist could they give me and if they did have anything to say about it a would go tits and say exactly what i just did here worst come to the worst id get more attention and probably a work placement as an underkeeper or suhink to keep me away from the ilegal side haha im thinking now :p

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police still are alot to blame they could turn a blind eye to this sort of thing christ i know some police who do what we do its the young over educated that have been kept in studying bullied at school and scared to get a bit dirt on there hands that are the problem shower of twats around here they all work day jobs or at college and special constables at night and weekend .



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lol i would be worse than bloody hitlar i think first thing i would do is send every single person who is not from at least 100 years worth of generations in our country out of our country i would demand all companies to employ local genuinly british people give all the genuine brits homes and stop this bullcrap of asda etc over powering local dairy and chicken farmers and make them buy there milk from these sort of places and a hell of alot more i would even say every city deserves a red light district haha minus all the drugs .



hmmmm.. i dont think you would be worse than hitler, just a little less diligent in your approach- considering youd chuck out anyone who is not "100 years worth of generations" how many people who consider themselves brits would you chuck out?? leaving aside the colour/religion/race ethics out of the equation for a mo. im presuming you mean those whom can trace their history in this country for at least 100 years and not 100 generations as if that were the case i think you'l find harldy anyone left. are you sure you are even pure british or even pure white for that matter? you may be in for a surprise given the historical events of the nation over expanse of time.


It diappoints me to see people thinking that think this nation is being destroyed by the communities within it and not the powers that be. imo its being destroyed by design utilising the "divide & conquer" psychologies amongnst its people like a decaying catalyst. pitting the class, race, creed division against each other through the use of a biased and controlled media. - the desired effect can bee seen on place like this forum- oh kick out the ehtnics and we will all be fine, oh its the muslims trying to blow us all up, oh no black people are killing each other and muggin everyone- great while we are all fighting the archtiects of the system go about dismantling our freedoms and liberties claiming that they are only responding to our cries for help- the ones they manufactured by presenting us with the problem in the first place. .


If you saw me walking down the street and you were in charge you'd probably round me up on the basis of my looks ("asian"- whatever thats meant to mean), label me a muslim or a dog fighter, drug dealer, etc - it happens all the time at classes, dog shows or meeting up with anyone esp from the rural areas. fine when im speaking on the phone to em - i probaly sound white - once they see my face its a different story- once they speak and interact with me and realise im not the image that cme into their head when they saw me they are fine. I whole heartledy see the points you make and understand the anger of the "indigenious" peoples. nor for one minute do i have problem saying that dog fightin and terroism are a problem amongst the muslim community, street robberies and firearms offences are problems amongst the black comunity etc etc- a blackboard is black no matter what you say- a fact is a fact and a lie does not become truth simply by the sheer propagation of it.

I have a grand father who fought in frnce in ww2 and another relative who died in Burma after seing action in nwf and iran. all under the service of the British empire. my mom was a lawyer and my dad worked all his life. i have also given service to this nation not because i needed a job because felt a sense of duty - but in the end i guess " a dog born in a stable doesn't become a horse" so if you are given the office of PM please have somewhere in mind where you would like to send me . N.B. Pakistan will not be accepted as an offer.


great post young man now just to finalise the agenda

Edited by arun
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