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Bigland Boy X Dolly Black

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if i remember rightly these were breed for blackstaffs own stock and not just for a pound note,what would you do with the rest micheal?good working homes or a bucket?in all the posts i havent seen any mention of a price for these pups.better she is bred to a whippet than another stafford a move in the right direction i think.when people post like this it makes me hope all these pups will make awesome lurchers,


atb matt

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the dog was out last night in minus 5 conditions full moon didnt need a lamp,

what did he catch????

whats his best night???

how often does he get worked? come on we know hes not worked hes studed out for money he is not a working dog most know that


Are you interested in a puppy?? I can't understand why your getting so wound up about this, as has been stated more than once on the thread . . . . the sire needed in this instance was to add speed, the sire suited the breeders requirements and therefore i see no reason why you feel the need to continue your vendetta !?


Your entitled to your opinion on the sire, but really is there any need to carry on the way you are?? Not once in the whole thread or any other thread on these puppies has it been stated that both Dam and Sire are full time workers . . . . so really your argument is with yourself, no one else is interested in your continued negativity. :thumbdown:

iam not angry iam showing no anger,

i think when one puts an advert on the hunting life about puppys its for 1 reason,


Now i no issue with that but i think if you going to advertise dogs on a humting site they should be from hunting parents.

Now it would be easy to state that bigland boy is no working dog but i dont see this being said do you????

he was proberly an ok racing non ped and iam not sure what sites are out there but surely theres sites for racing dogs

and as i said before this is ment to be a hunting site and if you wish to advertise for money just tell the truth in what the dogs have done.


Been on the site 2 months and laying down the rules allready !....What dogs do you run, Micheal ?



iam not laying down any rules,just stating my oppinion on true facts,and we have saluki xs


You're not just stating your opinion; you're attacking someone who is proud enough of the pups he bred to give us an update on them. Thats what this site is about !



would you not like to know what the parents of your new pup did??????

or would it not bother you

oh and yes lovely well kept pups a credit to you in the keeping of them well.


I know the exact breeding of all my dogs, but that is not the point, what right do you have to attack a member who is just showing us his pups ? I would have thought that you as a newcomer...and a policeman... would have kept your head down, got some time in and posts up, before you started alientating people.



old bill for real?

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if i remember rightly these were breed for blackstaffs own stock and not just for a pound note,what would you do with the rest micheal?good working homes or a bucket?in all the posts i havent seen any mention of a price for these pups.better she is bred to a whippet than another stafford a move in the right direction i think.when people post like this it makes me hope all these pups will make awesome lurchers,


atb matt



Well said . . . and all those that know anything about Blackstaff and Dolly, will know that these pups can't fail to make awesome little lurchers. :thumbs:

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i two hope they make a top level dog but thats not the point is it,

all iam trying to say is when dogs are bred to be sold we should know if the parents work,show,race

are the parents good with kids strangers etc,

i cant seem to get my point across but surely most know what i mean

Now to my job whats that to do with my comments about the breeding of 2 dogs?????

please leave my job out of it.

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i two hope they make a top level dog but thats not the point is it,

all iam trying to say is when dogs are bred to be sold we should know if the parents work,show,race

are the parents good with kids strangers etc,

i cant seem to get my point across but surely most know what i mean

Now to my job whats that to do with my comments about the breeding of 2 dogs?????

please leave my job out of it.


I think if you had just stated your point like this to start with then all of this could have been avoided.


With the amount of idiots breeding dogs today it is refreshing to have someone that puts so much time and planning into a litter, the reason these pups aren't advertised for sale, if i know the breeder like i think i do . . . is because anyone interested in having 1 will be introduced to the dam and given a full background on her capabilities and the reasons for the mating of the 2 said dogs. All this will be done in person not on an open forum, plagued by fools. And just for the record, your choice of employment makes no difference in my opinion. :thumbs:

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i two hope they make a top level dog but thats not the point is it,

all iam trying to say is when dogs are bred to be sold we should know if the parents work,show,race

are the parents good with kids strangers etc,

i cant seem to get my point across but surely most know what i mean

Now to my job whats that to do with my comments about the breeding of 2 dogs?????

please leave my job out of it.


I think if you had just stated your point like this to start with then all of this could have been avoided.


With the amount of idiots breeding dogs today it is refreshing to have someone that puts so much time and planning into a litter, the reason these pups aren't advertised for sale, if i know the breeder like i think i do . . . is because anyone interested in having 1 will be introduced to the dam and given a full background on her capabilities and the reasons for the mating of the 2 said dogs. All this will be done in person not on an open forum, plagued by fools. And just for the record, your choice of employment makes no difference in my opinion. thumbs.gif


Well said hannah You can be my spoke pearson on here. lolvictory.gif

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i two hope they make a top level dog but thats not the point is it,

all iam trying to say is when dogs are bred to be sold we should know if the parents work,show,race

are the parents good with kids strangers etc,

i cant seem to get my point across but surely most know what i mean

Now to my job whats that to do with my comments about the breeding of 2 dogs?????

please leave my job out of it.



Micheal - I'm sure if you put your point across like this first time round you would of saved yourself alot of headache :wallbash:


As for ' Advertising ' my pups on here i think you'll find i have done no such thing, update as to their progress - yes, post pic's of them from birth - yes, give info on the sire / dam - yes.


At no point have i EVER said that these pup's are from 100% working stock. The reason is because they are not, so the bee in your bonnet can now be quashed. I have said they SHOULD turn out to be good workers as both the parents are great at what they were bred for, and the pup's the sire throws.


As for the temp of these dog's i have been looking into breeding my bitch for around a year or so, how many other people do you know who can say that ?? What with the way Staffords are portrayed in the media and by the public do you really think that breeding an unstable dog / dogs in this current climate a responsible thing to do ?? :doh: My dog is 99.9% with ALL of my family, from my niece to my nan and all in between, the same as the sire. I say 99.9% because IMO you can ever trust a dog 100%.


And as for as you put it ' £££££££££££££££ ' if i were doing this for money there is no way in hell that i would of bred my bitch to a whippet. If i were in it for the money i would of bred her to a blue stafford so i could sell the pup's for £600+ without even worrying about it, probably even more.


So before you come on here spouting your nonsense do yourself a favour and do some research into the topic your going to post in so you don't make yourself look as stupid as you have in here ;) I respect that everyone has an opinion and you are indeed entitled to yours.

These pup's were bred for my own reasons not just breed or the sake of it.Your job makes no difference to me at all by the way.

Thanks to everyone who has posted in this thread, i have enjoyed reading everyone's comments and the debate between certain perties, thats why i like this site, good healthy debating :D

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Well said Bradley!! Not that you needed to justify yourself to anyone. The matter of advertising the pups is again something you don't need to justify, if you choose to put them in the for sale section then do so without any worries, because as has been mentioned on more than 1 occasion folk looking for a pup of this breeding for whatever purpose would be hard pushed to find better. In fact decently reared puppies would be a breath of fresh air, compared to some of the poor examples frequenting the for sale section on here. :thumbs::notworthy:

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I dont know these dogs, yes the pups do look healthy, who knows what their future holds in this wonderful working world.


For me both parents MUST be proven, yes i'm old fashioned. I would like to add that i have witnessed rescue dogs unknown breeding work just as well as proven matched dogs.


Good luck to the pups.



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