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Pulled the plug on two walk and stand days this season high winds on one low cloud and mist on another.also pulled out half way through a day heavy snow ! NOW not sure about a walk-about day as the snow is deep and someone could trip up very easly accident waiting to happen .Lads say it's ok and its up to me but i know not everybody is happy about loosing days all the lads work so sats are the days we go out and now not many left in the season.Now i only run this shoot and part time keeper it to enable me to raise the rent money for the shooting rights so can't refund any money what would you do to keep the guns happy .please nothing rude :icon_redface: i'am a married man.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I am afraid that I cannot answer your question but rather share a concern.

I think that if you have walking guns and deep snow then it is indeed dangerous. However I cannot see the problem with standing guns provided that your visibility (lack of fog) is OK.

If you are in any way open to litigation (landowner, rights owner etc) then I would be tempted to be careful and err on the side of caution as you can do without any further trouble if the worst happened.


I would be interested to hear any thoughts about cancelled shooting based on bird welfare during the snow. The current restriction specifically excludes game birds so I am assuming that th egeneral understanding is that it is still OK to shoot them.



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Hily, sorry to hear you have had to cancel days.


My only issue would be that if guests have payed up and then had their day cancelled, they will likely demand a refund. However if it is syndicate members, they should understand the situation and remain loyal to the shoot... and in my opinion, shouldnt expect a refund to be given.

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