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uncertain 2010

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  On 01/01/2010 at 00:23, higgins said:
  On 01/01/2010 at 00:19, mike white said:

Dont worry about it mate i get that treatment evertime i go out , its comes out in the wash after a couple of days !!

cheers mike,i didn't go out tonight,but thanks all the same,hope you have a good 'un,



And all the best to you mate aswell , im sure all will be ok in the morning .

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  On 01/01/2010 at 00:30, higgins said:

Well she came downstairs and just said go back to my place we are finished after tommorrow,can't believe i'm typing this,but shit is brown and the sky is blue,




You just summed it all up mate in your own words , good luck on what ever happens mate but remember theres plenty more fish in the sea !!

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Get a grip man, if its finished, kick her out of your house tonight and be done with the shit...


Is sex worth that sort of shit? Cause after all whats the point in having a relationship if its not for sex?


Plenty more holes in the pond!


Kick her out, sign on up on facebook and get yourself sorted out :thumbs:

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Next time you fall in 'love' just remeber how you feel now :yes: feck her off tomorow and get yourself a younger model :yes: and don't move in with her :no: if my marraige ever goes tits up Im stopping on me todd afterwards :laugh: hope things pick up lad, atb for 2010

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  On 01/01/2010 at 00:39, higgins said:

Ha Ha,shit is brown and the sky is blue,so long fellas for a while,


higgins my boy!! dont let it get to you! things all change when the booz has worn off beleive me :drink: iv got a spare room if your stuck and a kenel free. i broke up with my x wife some years back now she didnt like the dogs or hunting or anything els i did to be honest! but iv found my girl now and she wants out! and i mean hunting mad she is. Let me tell you higgins dont let her play with your make up! if your not compatible find a girl that is cos they are out there mate :feck:

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  On 31/12/2009 at 22:52, higgins said:

My chin is always up,but i've promised myself that if we fall apart and i end up on my todd,i will never live with a woman again,women hold you back,fact,


you just have to stop spending so much time tryoing to sort me out mate and pay her a bit more attention


just an idea ???




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i would of been long gone, , the worst thing to f**k your head up is women, FACT ! , and the best cure for me is my dogs, ive walked many a miles after arguments, it certainly clears my head, , dont stand for no shite, put your foot down, , and f**k the 3 chance rule, one chance then move them on, , good luck, stay postive and always show your self happy and full of beans that will piss her of more than you can believe, :thumbs:


atb, :victory:

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  On 31/12/2009 at 22:36, higgins said:

Well,i just got settled we weren't going anywhere,got the dogs inside to keep them

quiet during the fireworks,i went out and got some cans and get ready for new year with the missus,all the kids are out celebrating,i've not done anything wrong when all of a sudden the missus says to me after this new years eve i go back to my 'hillbilly life',ffs don't know what i done,maybe not paid too much attention,but with work changes and all that for me and her,all you can do is get back home and wind down,

the weather been shit can't exactly do anything,the best of it all is i planned to work harder next year on sorting a lot of things out,anyway she must've had a drink early and as usual i think it's gone to her head a bit quicker,but i'm baffled as to what it's about,and it looks like i'll be moving out shortly,all i can do for now

is wait until she slept it off and then talk about it,well just remember everyone

to keep the missus happy(haven't got a clue how it's done)enjoy your New Years Eve Celebrations,




Best thing you can do mate is enjoy the dogs, they dont let you down and they never judge.

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why does this type of luck always happen to someone else.....ive been waiting for my missus to leave for about 4 yrs...think of all the extra time you got for lamping and diggin......fair swap ...lucky b*****d....all the best buddy and good luck for 2010

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