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Deer - how did you do it?

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Just curious here -

Pre-ban, how did you guys finish off a deer if your dog caught it and didn't kill it outright?

I s'pose the first thought would be cut the throat, but I reckon it'd be a bit of a mess and probably take some time? Whack on the heid with a log? Play some tapes from the X-factor auditions?

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  mistwalker said:
Just curious here -

Pre-ban, how did you guys finish off a deer if your dog caught it and didn't kill it outright?

I s'pose the first thought would be cut the throat, but I reckon it'd be a bit of a mess and probably take some time? Whack on the heid with a log? Play some tapes from the X-factor auditions?

Knife in the throat ,or heart if the dog had a throat hold.

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Most small deer ive took were usually dispatched by the dog.The larger deer are a different ball game altogether.When running the Big stuff these are really dangerous to both man and the dogs.A lot of the time depending on how many dogs there is the beast are usually still standing up when you get to them.If there Stags you can take hold of the antlers while somebody else tries to get one of its front legs and topple it over.If its a hind just get it in a headlock and topple it over in the same way.When you then have the beast pinned down safely and the dogs are out of the way place the knife at the base of the skull and push it in as far as you can up into the brain disabling it.Then you can cut its throat and let it bleed out whilst getting your breath back.Then you can gralloch the beast and butcher it were it is as you wont be able to carry it far let alone lift it in some cases.At the end of the day they deserve a clean kill,not somebody stabbing away at it which is also very dangerous to everything in the vicinity.The most humane way to do it is to carry a CBG with you.This is only the way I used to do it, im sure somebody will be along with a different way of dealing with large beast.

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On one of the DSC course thingys, its shows you all the major kill points on deer, including (and this is the important bit I think) exactly where the carotid (spel) artery is on the neck.

That would do the job pretty quick I would think once cut.....

So I think the awnser is, do your homework...........Oh yeah, and make sure your knife aint blunt :D


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Guest furryferter
  Vermin Dropper said:
So how would a "Good" deer dog learn to deal with one without prior experience?

Firstly whatever quarry you kill it has to be done as quickly & humanely as possible this is the way I seen it before the ban as far a a good deer dog You cant teach a dog to kill deer quickly it either has it or it will learn how to do it through experiance a good deer dog will drop a deer then emediatly grab it by the throat often killing it quickly as it falls over but it should never let go until the deer is dispatched no matter how long a course it was ,ive heard of dog supoosed to be good deer killers but in reality they are good deer catchers & the owner has to finish it of .

As for dispatching deer the best method is to stick your knife in the soft cavity where the wind pipe goes into the chest cavity & cut up towards the throat do this confidently & quick as the most important thing is it is dispatched with minimum suffering . I have also dipathed them the way mick describes you need a strong thin blade for this where the the skull meets the top of the neck ,as for stabbing the heart ive seen it done but there is a good chance of missing the heart but it wont taint the meat whatsover but I wont recomend it

Like ive said the main thing is do it with confidence & speed to dispatch as quickly as possible


pic taken a feew years ago before the ban



this dog was a natural when it was legal

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Well some people may laugh at me but i don't care, as im a weak woman i can't put 1 in a head lock or try to make it go down, tried it before and got kicked several times and nearly bitten! Dogs usually get them by the throat and pin em down, i carry a slip lead with me and tighten around the deers neck and give the lead to whoever is with me and then i slit the throat to let it bleed, then between the 2 of us carry it to the car and carry on. :) Can't bleddy do this anymore! ;)

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MickC's way is known as severing the atlas joint. This is very hard especially on live quarry(you also cut this joint to make trophys) and it is very hard. Fair play to Mick for being able to do it...........it probably is the most humane but only if it can be done quickly! I can't do it on live but i keep practicing on the deceased


Furryferter's way is a close second but obviously not quite as quick as the animal has to bleed to death but done properly this doesn't take long. This is the easiest way for beginers and very humane!!

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