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Learning about Falconry

Vermin Dropper

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Hi All,

I'm not thinking about buying a BOP yet (not just yet anyway) but I wanted to learn more about the subject, I'm of the mind that a person should learn as much as possible about a subject before entering into it, especially where animals are concerned.

On that note could anyone recomend any good books or dvd's on the subject from an educational point of view, or if anyone has any for sale (or dvd's i could copy) could you drop me a line,

Cheers, :good:

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Guest falconeru.k01

Thats a good attitude to have , A good book is by philip glasier Hawking & falconry also jemmima parry-jones training BOP .will make good reading & find a practising falconer to give you info hands on experiance better than any books.

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Thanks for that, I'll have a look for those titles.

I was going to offer my services at a falconry centre but time is something I have little of as it is these days. (between shift work and trying to run a couple of little businesses)


I'm in West Midlands by the way if there are any Falconers not too far away who wouldn't mind me popping over for a chat, :good:

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Guest falconeru.k01

I'm in West Midlands by the way if there are any Falconers not too far away who wouldn't mind me popping over for a chat, :good:



Imsure you will find someone in your area, we have 4 volenteers at centre one is 13 years old girl & has started from the bottom & she is now capable of weighting owls & hawks correctly picking up & flying them with confidance & did her first demo with harris & barn owl. They are shown about husbandry & management before we even let them near a bird. Good Luck :rocker:

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I'm in West Midlands by the way if there are any Falconers not too far away who wouldn't mind me popping over for a chat, :good:



Imsure you will find someone in your area, we have 4 volenteers at centre one is 13 years old girl & has started from the bottom & she is now capable of weighting owls & hawks correctly picking up & flying them with confidance & did her first demo with harris & barn owl. They are shown about husbandry & management before we even let them near a bird. Good Luck :rocker:


13 yr old voulenteers? bugger........ hope I'm not too old at 34 then :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Guest falconeru.k01

The girl wants to be avian vet she very clever at school & is getting as much input as possible , Its harder now to get into vet school so by time she has left school she hopefully will have a good start in raptor management. She is going to be assisting in AI this comming season with a large falcon breeder its nice to see a positive person this young with drive!! Dont worry mate never to old :D

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