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I hope you get them back mate i know how thieves work they have no soul and are the scum of the earth. i once had some very special fighting cocks stolen a lot of hard work and planning destroyed by some numb smack heads who didnt even know what they were stealing just did it to order. never saw the birds again.


but stealing a mans dogs how low is that!!

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Its really shitty when this happens, its happened to me..Some of my so called "friends" in Ashington knew who stole the dog, people who sat in my home and had dinner with me, and they never let on..which still leaves a bad taste in my mouth about people..I never saw the dog again..hope you have better luck in finding the dogs, and better luck with so called friends

thats sickening mate if you cant trust your friends who can you trust, taking a mans dog is as bad as taking a proud mans child, BIG TREE SMALL ROPE THATS MY SOLUTION FOR THEM

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