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very noticable how these threads attract alot of guests !! happy new year to all good hunting ;)


riohog Every time i see guests on threads like this.I think tree huggers or plod.So why do some people keep putting up pics that can incriminate them.Little bit of parra keeps the dogs at bay :thumbs:

theres an old saying .....you cant educate pork!!


Unless your a PIG :D

im kinda lucky there....as i dont fall into that catagory wasnt born with a snout or trotters or a curly dick..lol

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very noticable how these threads attract alot of guests !! happy new year to all good hunting ;)


riohog Every time i see guests on threads like this.I think tree huggers or plod.So why do some people keep putting up pics that can incriminate them.Little bit of parra keeps the dogs at bay :thumbs:

theres an old saying .....you cant educate pork!!


Unless your a PIG :D

im kinda lucky there....as i dont fall into that catagory wasnt born with a snout or trotters or a curly dick..lol



Was my little joke to some of our guests bud :thumbs:

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very noticable how these threads attract alot of guests !! happy new year to all good hunting ;)


riohog Every time i see guests on threads like this.I think tree huggers or plod.So why do some people keep putting up pics that can incriminate them.Little bit of parra keeps the dogs at bay :thumbs:

theres an old saying .....you cant educate pork!!


Unless your a PIG :D

im kinda lucky there....as i dont fall into that catagory wasnt born with a snout or trotters or a curly dick..lol



Was my little joke to some of our guests bud :thumbs:

i know ;)

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I don’t trust coppers, end off, and I don’t think I have ever posted any illegal pictures on any site, but I also don’t have a problem with them been on hunting sites, simply because I don’t ever intend making their job easy for them, I think we must look at ourselves and ask the question, who is the only person that can incriminate oneself, its not the copper who trolls through this site looking for information on illegal activities, if the information is not put out there then there is no chance of incrimination, simple as.

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you get my vote irish lurcher for starting such a stupid thread



Thank you for ur comment.


But should you read into the thread its actually a thread that could prevent some members been prosecuted in the future, which is not a bad or stupid thing, how you came to the conclusion that the thread was stupid is beyond me, must be nearly time for you to breast feed off mammy :tongue2::tongue2: , talk soon. :bye::bye:

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If even a single policeman spent tax payer paid time reading a website such as this when there are thousands of 'real' crimes that involve violence robbery murder and god knows what else then it is way out of order. The police don't arrent violent criminals on a friday night because 'they're too overstretched' but some how find the time to sit on the internet. Get off your bums and start to look for real criminals that actually lower our quality of life.

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I made a living poaching salmon on the tweed for 15 years,and was proseuted several times ,as were we all,peril of the job.At the latter end of things ,as raiding houses became more prevalent we all knew never to have reciepts or even diaries about us.

A friend of mine was involved in a prosecution on the tyne in which acquittal looked likely until the prosecution produced a diary from one of the accused,detailing fish caught etc.Prison sentences were the result of this.

Imagine if we had all been posting on web sites about what clever,knowledgeable ,uncatchable one man crimewaves we were?

If you set yourself up,someone will take a shot at you,do not be surprised.

Lastly,when idle comments are transcribed,you can look pretty bad,my divorce taught me that.

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...seeing as it was probably me who started this debate, i supposed i should post something up. first off though you are never going to be able to get everyone happy/comfortable about the police! some people just dont turst them, some dont like them and a very few may have good reason! but chances are the police will only look at sites like this, after they have already started an investigation into you, they might find fresh evidence or stuff to back up what they have already got over you...


on a more positive note there are probably more likely to be police actively watching sites belonging to LACS or any other extremist organisations who use 'terror' type tactics, than a site where some may be involved in low level crime.


some on here are right...it doesn't look good if a forum closes the door to police as it implies that they [admin/mods] know that there is illegal stuff on there and suggests they are happy with that....it may never come to be of any police interest but you can bet your bottom dollar that the anti's will use it as a fact that hunting/fieldsports is 'all' illegal and should be banned.


someone mentioned getting the police more involved, and i think in a lot of cases this would help...a lot of bobbies know nothing of fieldsports let alone guns and the on ly occasion they may have some contact is with regards to criminal use/threat and therefore look on any gun owners with suspicion....the fieldsports community can help to change this by offering officers a chance to clay shoot/rough shoot/ join hunts/ etc...a lot would love the chance to see the other side! there will always be some who are completely anti as in any walk of life.


if people are going to do stuff outside the law then the advice is there for them on all the forums, dont bring it online, that way no one needs to know about it and no one will get into any bother.


Personally i love all types of fieldsports and i think that its only by trying to encourage more people into it we may make it more secure....yes by all means be cautious but we need to get people involved. people are so cut off from where their meat comes from and 'killing' animals, and i think that goes hand in hand why they dont understand the country way of life...trouble is the country is getting smaller and the cities/towns bigger.


at the end of the day it will be down to the admin to decide on Moochers...even though it has been put out to members the response will probably be as split as it is on here!!!


Anyway...Happy New Year Hunting Life!!!!!

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