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Hi all


Can anyone give me some advise been hunting with hawks for 14 years birds now retired so i have bought a 5 mth old 3/4 greyhound 1/4 wheaten it is the sister to my mates dog same litter. they are kenneled together all has been fine took them out yesterday and a run round turned into two full blown kickoffs. we separted them and all seem fine again put them in the car and they started again so mine now has its first war wound on front leg my mates must have had her good and proper. any way put them back in the kennel and apart from a growl all is fine is this just a battle for domination or is this likely to continue.should we run them separately etc any advise would be greatly appreciated thanks in advance pete

Edited by madmackie
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my two got scars all over them from fighting with eachother, i can hear them having a little go at eachother at this moment in time, your dogs are still young like mine they will battle it out for a couple of months for domination, let them get on with it i say it will stop soon as they find out with one is dominent.


dont worry.


atb tom !!

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my two got scars all over them from fighting with eachother, i can hear them having a little go at eachother at this moment in time, your dogs are still young like mine they will battle it out for a couple of months for domination, let them get on with it i say it will stop soon as they find out with one is dominent.


dont worry.


atb tom !!


Thanks mate my mate said the same but im a bit of a worrier so i guess i'll just have to let them sort it out

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not the first time i heard of this problem between litter sisters,had the same prob myself few years ago with bull x pups,eventually i had to seperate them they got to the stage i think they would of faught to the death,just a warning mate thats all :thumbs:

thanks for the warning will keep an eye on them

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if your planning on working these 2 dogs together i`d try and put a stop to it - seperate em in the car .sounds like bit of over excitement - check em everytime they get at - you could end up with a pup thats had all its confidence knocked out of it or sharing a hefty vets bill..

Edited by the_stig
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I,M,O, At this age { 5 month } it`s just pups finding their place in the pack, though this doesn't mean that you should ignore it,..

It`s down to you and others in the pack {family} to let them know that you wont tolerate fighting and where possible to stop it before it gets to that point.

And that comes down to knowing your dogs and recognizing the signs that are leading to a scrap...

If it continues as they get older you really should consider separate kennels, and as someone else suggested separating them when traveling...

I`de also consider their breeding, if they have thrown to the terrier in their temperament, then you have to remember that We/man have bred terriers to be aggressive and relentless in their pursuit of what they are angry at...


Yis Mars..

i agree mate but will say it is difficult at the best of times to moniter kenneled dogs :thumbs:

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Is there a chance one or both could be coming into season ?


Is that possible at 5 1/2 months old ????



Only going on how old my terrier was when she had her first season which was around the 6 months mark , but there all diferent i reccon

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