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Songbirds saved

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Went for a walk round a farm local to me(2 minute walk across fields) this evening as the farmer had been moaning about rats having his grain which he stores in one of the big barns. I was snooping about when i heard the familiar chattering of a magpie peeped through a broken window from inside one of the barns there it was mobbing a nest. It came to rest on a tree about 25 yards away lifted the gun rested on the wall and blat hes gone. No rats about but plenty of signs of them unfortunately this farmers not to keen on dogs about the place otherwise i would of given a mate of mine a shout and we would of had some fun. A few pics of the kill took when id got home as silly me had forgotten the camera. :wacko:


The kill and the beast that killed it this gun is giving out the full legal power.


Only joking


Me and the real beast


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