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We have been keeping our new bull lucher on the diet that the people we got her off were apparently feeding but she is having the runs every so often. I thought it was all the changes and travelling etc to begin with, but now im thinking its to food.


What kibble type food is best for lurcher pups? They are quite happy to pinch adult dog food but arent interested in their food.


I would do the BARF diet but dont have a local supplier or enough freezer space currenlty, so they will have to make do untill i can move.

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barf diet i'm trying with my pup at the mo she's only 6 wk old she's taken too it like water off a ducks back.80%meat 20%fruit&veg.look up natural instincts on the net,deliever to your door within 24hrs but car'nt order now till 5th of jan.i hope this helps.atb hl

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get it on raw now mate its only a pup you wont need much freezer space and there must be a supermarket near you chicken wings £1 a box lamb ribs £1.50 pork ribs £1.70 and check the reduced section you can get it all for 10p somedays,the bottom line is do you want to feed your dog the best,if so then keep away from the overpriced commercial shite and feed raw it works out cheaper anyway :thumbs:

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Most good completes should be fine as a base feed, overfeeding can cause loose stools. I shouldn't worry to much about BARF but cocentrate on feeding a balenced diet rather than limiting to RAW, either a good complete on it's own or a mix of complete plus extras. Giving a little more info may help get more useful replies.

What is she on now?

Do you give anythiing other than the complete?

When she has the runs is it bloody or mucus?

How old?

How often are you feeding?

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